
Why universities should seek happiness and contentment /

"The totalising effect of consumerism, well-being and satisfaction is a discourse which may negate the value of struggle and mastery of complex subjects and a realization of personal potentiality. Why Universities Should Seek Happiness and Contentment considers the consequences of a hedonistic...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Gibbs, Paul (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London, UK : Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.
Colección:Sensory studies series.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Half Title; Series; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Tables; Preface; Acknowledgements; Part One What Are We Talking About?; 1 Happiness and Education: Recognizing Their Importance; One among a few or the only aim of education?; In pursuit of a happy edifying experience; What price happiness; Any evidence?; The marketization and marketingization of higher education; The market is a means not an end; Settled, but not passive; Striving the impossible task; Thrown into consumerism and blocked from critical appraisal?; Keeping the customer satisfied.
  • 2 Finding a Pursuit: Is Higher Education for Students or Is It Its Students?1497243559018_22; What is it all for?; Evolution to revolution, Newman and Humboldt to Johnson1; The educated person -. ecco economius or ecco faber?; In conversation; What should graduates be able to do?; Transdisciplinary goals for education; Forging an ontological pedagogy; A resting thought; 3 A Short Epochal Contextualization of Happiness as Self-Fulfilment; 1497243559018_32; Aristotle, Augustine and Seneca; Boethius and Aquinas -. Summun bonum; Locke, Hobbes and Hume -. the British enlightenment; Locke; Hobbes.
  • HumeThose Europeans -. Rousseau and Kant; Rousseau; Kant; A very British and Utilitarian response; 4 Contemporary Literature on Happiness; 1497243559018_44; An explosion in world writing if not happiness; Happiness and well-.being; Codification and scientism -. the psychology of happiness; The epoch of scientism; Haybron and a preliminary understanding of deep happiness -. contentment; Emotions and dispositions; 5 The Language of Happiness and UK Higher Education; 1497243559018_52; Words do mean something, but we can't be bothered; Category mismatch?; Considering contentment.
  • Language of UK policyMethod -. a qualitative content analysis; The Robbins Report; The Dearing Report; The 2016 White Paper -. Success as a knowledge economy; Analysis; Happiness and contentment; Flourishing; Market; Efficiency; Part Two Voices of Happiness, Satisfaction or Contentment; 6 What Has Been Written on Happiness and Higher Education?; It is not all fun
  • ever!; The literature; Conflation breeds confusion; It is the market, stupid; It is more than hedonism; 7 Happiness and the Student Experience; Episodes and duration; Something empirical.
  • School leavers to go to university and be happyBackground; Future aspirations; How respondents define success; Content analysis of an open-.ended question
  • happiness is what counts; Comparisons with job expectations; Discussion; Happiness at the centre of a quality student experience; Background; The student voices; So what?; Part Three Happiness and the Disposition of Contentment; 8 Contentment Explored; Passivity aspiration or control
  • female or superfemale?; Emotions are not dispositions, but they might lead to them; The rational; Not so positive, positive psychology.