Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The transparency society and its impact : the case of Spanish local governments / Isabel Brusca and Vicente Montesinos
  • Accountability in Italian local governments : state of the art and future perspective / Davide Giacomini
  • The citizens' report as tool of financial accountability for local governments / Fabio De Matteis and Daniela Preite
  • The democratic participation of local governments : a survey on Italian local governments web sites / Natalia Aversano and Francesca Manes Rossi
  • Online transparency on European local government sustainability : focusing on accountability / Francisco J. Alcaraz-Quiles, David Ortiz-Rodríguez and Andrés Navarro-Galera
  • Factors influencing citizen engagement via Facebook : an empirical study of provincial councils in Spain / Alejandro Sáez-Martín, Laura Saraite, Antonio M. López-Hernández and Carmen Caba-Pérez
  • From legal transparency to good governance in the Spanish municipalities / Javier Suárez-Pandiello and Roberto Fernández-Llera, Javier Suárez Pandiello, and Roberto Fernández Llera
  • A methodological proposal to measure transparency in Spain : ITA and STI rankings compared / Juan C. Garrido-Rodríguez, Antonio M. López Hernández and José L. Zafra-Gómez
  • Functioning of rural local governments in India : a critical appraisal of devolution status and accountability systems / M. Gopinath Reddy
  • Transparency, accountability and fighting corruption : a model on whistle-blowing processes / Marco Bisogno, Giancarlo Nota and Mario Ianulardo
  • Accountable to whom? : data transparency, depoliticisation and the myth of the market in English local government / Peter Eckersley and Laurence Ferry
  • Inter-organizational accountability in public services and budget cut-backs / Enrico Bracci
  • Transparency and accountability in municipalities : an analysis of 40 year evolution in Portugal / Rui Pedro Lourenço, Patrícia Moura e Sá and Susana Jorge
  • The influence of traditional accounting systems on internet financial reporting by local government authorities / Ma. Inmaculada Martínez-González, Ana Cárcaba-García and Antonio López-Díaz
  • Local government cash management practices / Francesca Citro.