Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Preface; Table of Contents; Abbreviations; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Previous Studies on the Temple; 1.2 The Premise of This Study; 1.3 Precursors of This Project; 1.4 The Design of This Project; Chapter 2: Restoration of Temples in the Ancient Near East; 2.1 Inscriptions from the West; 2.2 Mesopotamian Inscriptions; 2.2.1 The Emashmash Temple in Nineveh; 2.2.2 Esarhaddon's Reconstruction of Cult Places; The reconstruction of Esharra in Assur; The reconstruction of Esagil in Babylon; Other temples; Theological justification; 2.2.3 Neo-Assyrian Letters; 2.3 Conclusions.
  • Chapter 3: Did the Preexilic Temple Change?3.1 Methodological Premises; 3.2 Temple Repairs; Literary analysis of two narratives; The extent of the repairs; Conclusion; 3.3 Natural Disasters; Conclusion; 3.4 Despoliation of the Temple; Storehouse or storeroom?; Was the treasury altered?; Conclusion; 3.5 Religious Reforms in Judah and the First Temple; 3.5.1 Jehoiada and Joash; The temple stratum of 2 Kgs 11; Conclusion; 3.5.2 Ahaz's Reform; Ahaz's New Altar; Was the new altar condemned or approved?; What kind of altar did Ahaz commission?; Why was this altar important?; Conclusion.
  • Houses, chambers, and gardens3.5.3.4 Conclusion; 3.6 Specific Architectural Changes; 3.6.1 Temple and Palace Gates in the Book of Kings; Temple and palace gates in the time of Jehoiada and Joash; Jotham's gate; 3.6.2 The Temple Complex in Jeremiah; Gates; Chambers; Courts; Conclusion; 3.6.3 The Temple Complex in Ezekiel; Gates; Courts; Rooms; Conclusion; 3.7 Synthesis; Motives for the changes; Who was credited with alterations to the temple?; What changes were made?; Was the temple itself rebuilt?; 3.7.1 Four Periods in the Architectural Evolution of the Temple.
  • Archaeological evidence and the history of the temple3.7.2 Conclusion; Chapter 4: Stratigraphy of the Text (1 Kgs 6-8) and Stratigraphy of the Temple; 4.1 Methodological Notes; 4.2 Architectural Terminology; 4.2.1 Old and New Names for the Innermost Part of the Temple; The inner house; The Holy of Holies; 4.2.2 Architectural and Theological Dimensions of hekal; Nave or temple: Architectural note or theological statement?; Why was the house identified with the hekal?; Cultic meaning; Theological meaning; The hekal as the main hall of the temple; 4.2.3 Conclusion.