Table of Contents:
  • HYDROPOWER FROM SMALL AND LOW-HEAD HYDRO TECHNOLOGIES; HYDROPOWER FROM SMALL AND LOW-HEAD HYDRO TECHNOLOGIES; Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1 Small Hydro and Low-Head Hydro Power Technologies and Prospects*; Summary; Introduction; Conventional Hydropower Technologies; Storage Plants; Pumped Storage; Run-of-River Plants; Environmental Issues Related to Conventional Hydropower; Hydropower's Untapped Potential; Incremental Hydropower; Small and Low-Head Hydropower; Water Conduits, Pressure Reducing Valves, and Other Resources
  • Small and Low-Head Hydropower in Public PolicyRenewable Energy Definitions in Pending Legislation; Licensing and Regulatory Issues; Background; Exemptions from FERC Licensing; PURPA29 and Net-Metering Rules; Potential Environmental Impacts of Small and Low-Head Hydropower; Research and Development; Technologies for Small Hydro and Low-Head Applications; Small Hydro Turbines40; Micro Hydropower; New Hydropower Technologies; Hydrokinetic Turbines; Tidal Turbines; Fish-Friendly Turbines; Challenges and Issues for Projects; End Notes
  • Chapter 2 Opening Statement of Congressman Tom McClintock, Subcommittee on Water and Power, Hearing on "Investment in Small Hydropower: Prospects of Expanding Low-Impact and Affordable Hydropower Generation in the West"*Chapter 3 Statement of the Honorable Doc Hastings, Ranking Republican, ; Chapter 4 Testimony of Jeff C. Wright, Director, Office of Energy Projects, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, before the Subcommittee on Water and Power, Hearing on "Investment in Small Hydropower: Prospects of Expanding Low-Impact and Affordable Hydropower Generation in the West"*
  • I. IntroductionII. Background; III. Small Hydropower Options; A. Preliminary Permits; B. Development Applications; 1. Conduit Exemptions; 2. Five-megawatt Exemptions; 3. Standard Licensing; IV. Increased Interest in Small Hydropower; V. Recent Small Hydropower Initiatives; A. New Web-based Resources; B. Memoranda of Understanding; C. Education and Outreach; VI. Key Considerations; Conclusion
  • Chapter 5 Statement of Mr. Michael G. Ensch, Chief of Operations, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, before the Subcommittee on Water and Power, Hearing on "Investment in Small Hydropower: Prospects of Expanding Low-Impact and Affordable Hydropower Generation in th ... Chapter 6 Statement of Sonya Baskerville, Manager of National Relations, Bonneville Power Administration, before the Subcommittee on Water and Power, Hearing on "Investment in Small Hydropower: Prospects of Expanding Low-Impact and Affordable Hydropower Generat ... ; An Aging System; Modern Management Practices