Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: wind from the East the worldwide success of manga and anime and an overview of their impact on Hollywood
  • Characteristics of manga and anime that make them attractive to Hollywood
  • Divergent DNA: modern manga's ancestry leading up to the beginning of modernization of the form by Tezuka in the World War II era
  • Modern manga is developed, with heavy Hollywood movie/animation influences (the examples of similar DNA)
  • The manga industry today
  • Anime is born and invades America (and American TV goes to Japan and influences manga/anime)
  • Adaptations of manga and anime to American television and live-action movies (and what creators can learn from them and apply to their own works)
  • Hollywood adaptation case study #1: in defense of Speed Racer
  • Hollywood adaptation case study #2: Astro Boy
  • The screenplay and television script's crucial role in adaptations, plus pitching and the green-light (studio approval for production)
  • The future of hybridity
  • Afterword: manga in education the practical benefits of creating manga; two manga production teaching examples.