Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / David Loewenstein and Michael Witmore
  • Part I: Revisiting religious contexts in Shakespeare's England. The debate about Shakespeare and religion / David Bevington ; Choosing sides and talking religion in Shakespeare's England / Peter Marshall ; Experiencing religion in London : diversity and choice in Shakespeare's metropolis / Felicity Heal
  • Part II: Representing religious beliefs and diversity in the plays. Delusion in a Midsummer night's dream / Alison Shell ; The siege of Jerusalem and subversive rhetoric in King John / Beatrice Groves ; Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and the search for a usable (Christian?) past / Peter Lake ; Lucretius, Calvin, and natural law in Measure for Measure / Adrian Streete ; Agnostic Shakespeare? : the Godless world of King Lear / David Loewenstein ; "Another Golgotha" / Ewan Fernie ; Shakespeare and wisdom literature / Michael Witmore ; Awakening faith in The Winter's Tale / Richard McCoy ; Hamlet, Henry VIII, and the question of religion : a post-secular perspective / Paul Stevens ; Converting Henry : truth, history, and historical faith in Henry VIII / Michael Davies ; Shakespeare's non-Christian religions / Matthew Dimmock
  • Afterword / Brian Cummings.