Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: Ideology and American foreign policy
  • I. Concepts
  • Liberals, conservatives, and foreign affairs
  • Beyond red and blue: four dimensions of American ideology
  • The moral foundations of ideology and international attitudes
  • The foreign policy orientations of liberals and conservatives: internationalism, realism/idealism, and nationalism
  • Partisan elites and global attitudes: ideology in social context
  • II. Cases
  • Latin America: liberal and conservative moralities of immigration and foreign aid
  • Europe: socialist France, Mother England, Brother Germany, and the E.U. antichrist
  • The Middle East: Christian Zionism, the Israel lobby, and the Holy Land
  • East Asia: Red China, free Asia, and the Yellow Peril
  • International organizations and treaties: blue helmets, black helicopters, and satanic serpents
  • Conclusion: Ideology
  • why politics does not end at water's edge.