
General interests of host states in international investment law /

"Signatory States have the right to take action in order to maintain their financial stability, stimulate economic development or further their non-economic interests (such as health, the environment and food security). However, such measures can potentially conflict with the rights of foreign...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Sacerdoti, Giorgio (Editor ), Acconci, Pia (Editor ), Valenti, Mara (Editor ), De Luca, Anna (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Colección:Cambridge international trade and economic law ; 13.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part I. General interests of host states in the application of investment treaties. 1. The application of BITs in time of economic crisis: limits to their coverage, necessity and the relevance of WTO law / Giorgio Sacerdoti ; 2. The protection of general interests of host states in the application of the fair and equitable treatment standard / Mara Valenti ; 3. Indirect expropriations and regulatory takings: what role for the 'legitimate expectations' of foreign investors? / Anna De Luca ; 4. Trade and investment law: what relations? / Friedl Weiss ; 5. On the evolution and slow convergence of international trade and investment law / Jurgen Kurtz ; 6. Sovereign wealth funds as protected investors under BITs and the safeguard of the national security of host states / Michele Barbieri
  • Part II. The protection of non-investment concerns in international investment law. 7. The integration of non-investment concerns as an opportunity for the modernization of international investment law: is a multilateral approach desirable? / Pia Acconci ; 8. Intellectual property protection in investment agreements and public concerns / Antonietta Di Blase ; 9. Up-keeping non-economic values in development assistance. Does the World Bank practice what it preaches? Answers from the Inspection Panel / Agostina Latino ; 10. The protection of indigenous peoples concerns in the World Bank-funded projects / Martina Guidi
  • Part III. The protection of general interests of host states and the EU as a new player in the investment arena. 11. The future of BITs between EU member states: are intra-EU BITs compatible with the internal market? / Paola Mariani ; 12. European Union restrictions to the free movement of capital vs. BITs guarantees: learning from the European Court of Justice case law / Elsa Milanesi ; 13. Ensuring the consistency of the EU investment policy within the EU external action: the relevance of non-trade values / Alessando Perfetti ; 14. Non-financial concerns in the lending policy of the European Investment Bank in context / Emanuela Pistoia
  • Part IV. The protection of general interests of host states in the trade and investment context: other regional perspectives. 15. The protection of general interests of host states in regional agreements in the Asia-Pacific area / Claudio Dordi ; 16. Domestic policies and international investment agreements in MERCOSUR countries / Arno Dal Ri and Paulo De Alcântara Veloso
  • Part V. The protection of general interests of host states from the Italian perspective. 17. Italy's treaty practice and case law: what balance between investors' protection and general interests of states? / Federico Ortino and Domenico Di Pietro ; 18. Diplomatic intervention and state-to-state arbitration as alternative means for the protection of foreign investments and host states' general interests: the Italian experience / Matilde Recanati.