Table of Contents:
  • Work values: a career construction elaboration / Mark L. Savickas
  • The history of work values: morals, measurement, and meaning making / Paul J. Hartung
  • The role of values in career choice and development / JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey
  • Assessing work values / Donald G. Zytowski
  • The gendered context of career values / Kristen M. Perrone-McGovern, Stephen L. Wright, Desiree S. Howell, and Emily Barnum
  • Cultural perspectives on values in career theory and practice / Y. Barry Chung and Tiffany K. Chang
  • Qualitative approaches to studying cultural values / Neeta Kantamneni and Nadya A. Fouad
  • Integrating values and interests for career counseling / James Rounds and Patrick I. Armstrong
  • Work values in the lives of diverse individuals: examining race and socioeconomic status / Heather Z. Lyons
  • The educational and career values of Native American adolescents: dispelling the myths / Sherri L. Turner
  • Best practices in incorporating cultural values into career education programs: what do we know and how do we do it? / Saba Rasheed Ali and Miranda Verry.
  • Clarifications of work and family values: a basis for better role-blending / Rachel Gali Cinamon and Hanoch Flum
  • Calling in career development: strategies for promoting meaningful work / Bryan J. Dik and Ryan D. Duffy
  • DOVE (Depth-Oriented Values Extraction): helping clients create career-life choices / Edward A. Colozzi and Angela Byars-Winston
  • A values clarification workshop for undergraduate and graduate students / Michael Schaub
  • Creating a sense of hope: the essence of career construction for life designing in a developing country context / Kobus Maree
  • Meaningful work: an ethical obligation for vocational psychology / Michael F. Steger
  • Career counseling laboratories: integrating values into career counseling with gifted and talented students / Barbara A. Kerr
  • Exploring altruistic motives in career counseling / Patrick J. Rottinghaus and Steven M. Andrews.