
Fractured rock hydrogeology /

Fractured rocks extend over much of the world, cropping out in shields, massifs, and the cores of major mountain ranges. They also form the basement below younger sedimentary rocks; at depth; they represent a continuous environment of extended and deep regional groundwater flow. Understanding of gro...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Sharp, John Malcolm, Jr., 1944- (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Leiden, The Netherlands : CRC Press/Balkema, [2014]
Edición:Edition 1.
Colección:Hydrogeology (International Association of Hydrogeologists) ; v. 20.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • IAH Commission on Hardrock Hydrogeology (HyRoC): past and present activities, future possibilities
  • A conceptual model of weathered hard rock aquifers and its practical applications
  • Similarities in groundwater occurrence in weathered and fractured crystalline basement aquifers in the Channel Islands and in Zimbabwe
  • Outcrop groundwater prospecting, drilling and well construction in hard rocks in semi-arid regions
  • Sustainable yield of fractured rock aquifers: the case of crystalline rocks of Serre Massif (Calabria, Southern Italy)
  • From geological complexity to hydrogeological understanding using an integrated 3D conceptual modelling approach
  • insights from the Cotswolds, UK
  • Characterising the spatial distribution of transmissivity in the mountainous region: results from watersheds in central Taiwan
  • Spring discharge and groundwater flow systems in sedimentary and ophiolitic hard rock aquifers: experiences from Northern Apennines (Italy)
  • Fracture transmissivity estimation using natural gradient flow measurements in sparsely fractured rock
  • Prediction of fracture roughness and other hydraulic properties: is upscaling possible?
  • Scale dependent hydraulic investigations of faulted crystalline rocks
  • examples from the Eastern Alps, Austria
  • Methodology to generate orthogonal fractures from a discrete, complex, and irregular fracture zone network
  • Remote sensing, geophysical methods and field measurements to characterise faults, fractures and other discontinuities, Barada Spring Catchment, Syria
  • Using heat flow and radiocarbon ages to estimate the extent of recharge area of thermal springs in granitoid rock: example from Southern Idaho Batholith, USA
  • Tunnel inflow in granite
  • fitting the field observations with hybrid model of discrete fractures and continuum
  • Uranium distribution in groundwater from fractured crystalline aquifers in Norway
  • Technical quality of Norwegian wells in crystalline bedrock related to groundwater vulnerability
  • Exploration and characterisation of deep fractured rock aquifers for new groundwater development, an example from New Mexico, USA
  • Use of several different methods for characterising a fractured rock aquifer, case study Kempfield, New South Wales, Australia
  • Main features governing groundwater flow in a fractured basalt aquifer system of South-Eastern Australia.