
Ferrofluids /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Orsucci, Franco F., Sala, Nicoletta
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Nova Publishers, c2013.
Colección:Materials science and technologies
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • FERROFLUIDS ; FERROFLUIDS ; Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ; CONTENTS ; PREFACE ; Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO FERROFLUIDS ; ABSTRACT ; INTRODUCTION ; COMPONENTS OF A MAGNETIC FLUID; (a) Base Fluid ; (b) Single Domain Magnetic Particles ; (c) Surfactant (Stabilizer) ; What is a Ferrofluid? ; PHYSICS OF FERROFLUIDS ; Stability Criteria for the Magnetite Based Ferrofluids ; MODIFIED BERNOULLI'S EQUATION ; Kinematics of Ferrofluids ; Brownian Motion of Particles ; Physical Properties of Ferrofluids ; Optical Properties of Ferrofluids ; Synthesis Techniques ; a) Ball Milling.
  • B) Pentacarbonyl Dissociation Technique c) Co- Precipitation+Insitu Surfactant Coating ; Applications of Ferrofluids ; a) As a Lubricants and Coolant in Motors ; b) For High Quality Leak Proof Sealing ; c) In Loud Speaker Coils ; CONCLUSION ; REFERENCES ; Chapter 2 MAGNETISM: GENERAL IDEAS ; ABSTRACT ; INTRODUCTION ; DIAMAGNETISM ; Paramagnetism ; Ferromagnetic Materials ; Antiferromagnetic Materials ; Ferrimagnetic Materials ; Magnetic Hysteresis (M-H Curve) ; SATURATION MAGNETISATION (MAND REMENANCE (MS) COERCIVITY (H) C) ; Magnetic Susceptibility and Permeability.
  • Magneto Crystalline Anisotropy Exchange Interactions ; Direct-Exchange Interaction ; Indirect or Super-Exchange Interaction ; Magnetism at the Nano Level ; Coercivity of Fine Particles ; Superparamagnetism ; Thermal Equilibrium Properties of Single Domain Particles ; Approach to Thermal Equilibrium ; Spin-Glass and Spin Glass Clusters ; Surface Magnetism; CONCLUSION ; REFERENCES ; Chapter 3 FERROFLUIDS
  • SYNTHESIS TECHNIQUES ; ABSTRACT ; INTRODUCTION ; Synthesis of Ferrofluids ; Top Down Methods ; High Energy Ball Milling (HEBM) ; BOTTOM UP METHODS ; Chemical Precipitation Methods.
  • Substituted Ferrites Reverse Micelle Techniques ; Synthesis of Aqueous Ferrofluids ; Aqueous Ferrofluids with Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide (N(CH3)4OH) ; Step by Step Procedure ; Aqueous Ferrofluids with Citric Acid for Bio Medical Applications ; Metal Particles ; Metal Nanoparticle Ferrofluids from Pentacarbonyls ; Metal Particles by Reduction ; CONCLUSION ; REFERENCES ; Chapter 4 OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF FERROFLUIDS: GRAIN SIZE
  • THE DETERMINING FACTOR ; INTRODUCTION ; NANOTECHNOLOGY-AN OVERVIEW ; Particles at the Nanolevel ; Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires and Quantum Dots.
  • General Synthesis Techniques Chemical Methods ; Size Control ; Grain Size Distribution; Size Quantization Effects ; Optical Properties ; Nonlinear Optical Properties ; Towards Transparent Magnetic Materials: By Grain Size Reduction ; Semiconductor Nanocrystals ; Excitons ; Quantum Confinements ; Weak and Strong Exciton Confinements ; A Heavy Hole and a Light Hole ; CONCLUSION ; REFERENCES ; Chapter 5 NON LINEAR OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF FERROFLUIDS INVESTIGATED BY Z SCAN TECHNIQUE ; ABSTRACT ; INTRODUCTION ; The Z- Scan Experiment ; The Z-Scan Experimental Setup ; Closed Aperture Z-Scan.