Table des matières:
  • Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Foreword by His Highness Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan; Foreword Professor Konrad Raczkowski; Foreword by Chairman Bingxin Wu; Author's note; Preface; About the author; About the contributing authors; 1 Project management in reality: lessons from government IT projects; Introduction; A holistic approach in planning projects; The dilemma of determining realistic timeframes; Lack of vendor involvement in project management; Requirement analysis; System development life cycle; Use of external consultants; Insisting on perfection; Contract arrangement.
  • The complexity of technical methodsUnsustainable business processes; Complex system architecture; Communication breakdowns; Blame for failure; Risk management; Project organisation; Unclear roles and responsibilities; Team building; Inadequate resources; The incapable project manager; 'Eyewash' procedures; Failing management reports; Conclusion; References; 2. An innovative project management methodology; Introduction; IT project failure; Project management; Crafting the methodology; Applying the methdology; Significance and value of the methodology; Conclusion; References.
  • 3. The UAE national ID program: a case studyIntroduction; The UAE ID card program; Key operations of the national ID system; The ID card; Implementation stages and the enrolment strategy; Enrolment process; Lessons learned; Conclusion; References; Acknowledgment; 4. Using quality models to evaluate large IT systems; Introduction; Software quality; Methodology; The PRIDC system as a component-based system; Reflection; Conclusion; References; Acknowledgment; 5. Electronic government in GCC countries: barriers and solutions; Introduction; The illusion of e-government.
  • National ID and G2C e-governmentResearch methodology; Research findings; Discussion and conclusion; Appendix: research questionnaire; References; Acknowledgment; 6. Digital identities and the promise of the technology trio: PKI, smart cards and biometrics; Introduction; Biometrics; Smart cards; Public key infrastructure; The application of the technology trio; Conclusion; References; 7. Iris recognition and the challenge for homeland and border security in the UAE; Introduction; Background to iris recognition; Accuracy and performance measurement; The challenge at UAE borders.
  • The technical solutionThe pilot approach; Mass roll-out; The system architecture: how does it work?; Current UAE iris system statistics; The UAE study; Lessons learned; Future applications; Conclusion; Copyright; References; Acknowledgment; Back Cover.