
Cosmo-99 : Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Particle Physics and the Early Universe, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 27 September - 2 October 1999 /

This volume presents the newest results and developments in the fast-moving field of astroparticle physics. The following topics are covered: dark matter, baryogenesis, neutrino physics and astrophysics, inflation, topological defects, cosmic ray physics and cosmological implications of grand unific...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autores Corporativos: International Workshop on Particle Physics and the Early Universe Trieste, Italy, Centro de Estudios Científicos de Santiago, Unesco, International Atomic Energy Agency
Otros Autores: Cotti, U.
Formato: Electrónico Congresos, conferencias eBook
Publicado: Singapore ; River Edge, N.J. : World Scientific, ©2000.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Dark matter. Dark-matter overview / B. Sadoulet
  • Results from DAMA experiments / P. Belli [and others]
  • Neutralinos as relic particles: implications of the theoretical uncertainties in the neutralino-nucleon cross-section / F. Donato
  • Hide and seek with neutralino dark matter WIMP / L. Roszkowski
  • Relic abundance of dark matter particles: new formulation and new result of abundance calculation / M. Yoshimura
  • CP violating phases and the dark matter problem / T. Falk
  • Wimpzillas / E. Kolb
  • A phenomenology of the dark energy / A. Albrecht
  • Death of baryonic dark matter in our galactic halo / K. Freese
  • Dark matter annihilation at the center of the galaxy / P. Gondolo
  • Dark mirror matter / Z. Berezhiani
  • SUSY dark matter at the LHC / D. Denegri
  • A theoretical review of axion / J. Kim
  • Dark Matter Caustics / P. Sikivie and W. Kinney
  • Cosmological implications of supersymmetric CP violating phases / S. Khalil
  • Possible observational evidences of non-baryonic (non-compact) microlenses / A. Zakharov
  • High energy cosmic rays. Ultra high energy cosmic rays from super heavy relic particles / V. Berezinsky
  • Cosmic ray conundra / A. De Rujula
  • The most energetic particles in the universe / E. Roulet, D. Harari and S. Mollerach
  • Cosmic rays signatures of massive relic particles / S. Sarkar
  • Energies in the universe. The cosmological constant, nothing or everything?: observation confronts theory / L. Krauss
  • Quintessence in tensor-scalar theories of gravity / N. Bartolo and M. Pietroni
  • Energy conditions and their cosmological implications / M. Visser and C. Barcelo
  • Global topology of the universe / C. Starkman
  • Observed smooth energy is anthropically even more likely as quintessence than as cosmological constant / S. Bludman
  • Supernovae data: cosmological constant or ruling out the cosmological principle? / M.N. Celener.
  • Extended quintessence: imprints on the cosmic microwave background spectra / C. Baccigalupi, F. Perrotta and S. Matarrese
  • Can the inflaton and the quintessence scalar be the same field? / F. Rosati
  • Big bang nucleosynthesis. The current status of big bang nucleosynthesis and related observations / K.A. Olive
  • Cosmology, big bang nucleosynthesis, and neutrinos / A. Dolgov
  • Lithium-6: a probe of the early universe / K. Jedamzik
  • Inflation. Inflation and creation of matter in the universe / A. Linde
  • Current issues for inflation / D. Lyth
  • Spinodal inflation and metric perturbations: applications of non-equilibrium quantum field theory to inflation / R. Holman
  • Supergravity in cosmology / R. Kallosh
  • Preheating and supergravity / L. Kofman
  • Nonthermal production of dangerous relics in the early universe / R. Riotto
  • New inflation in supergravity and its observational implications / M. Kawasaki
  • Stochastic gravitational waves backgrounds: a probe for inflationary and non-inflationary cosmology / M. Giovannini
  • Fermion preheating / J. Baacke
  • Preheating the dilaton / L.E. Mendes and A. Mazumdar
  • Non-perturbative production of gravitinos after inflation / A . L. Maroto and A. Mazumdar
  • Metric perturbations and inflationary phase transitions / D. Cormier and R. Holman
  • Interacting fields in Robertson-Walker cosmologies / C. Molina-Paris, P.R. Anderson and S.A. Ramsey
  • Nonperturbative production of fermions and the baryon asymmetry / M. Peloso
  • Preheating of bosons in super symmetric hybrid inflation / M. Bastero-Gil, S.F. King and J. Sanderson
  • CMB and structure formation. CMB: present and future / S. Dodelson
  • An update on non-gaussianity in the COBE data / P. Ferreira
  • Back reaction of cosmological perturbations / R.H. Brandenberger.
  • The fractal universe: recent data and theoretical developments / L. Pietronero
  • Distribution of dark and luminous matter in the universe / R. Schaeffer
  • Cosmological implications of a neutrino asymmetry / J. Lesgourgues and S. Pastor
  • Metric perturbation of the FRW universe and the fractal distribution of the luminous matter / R. Mohayaee
  • Topological defects. Testing cosmological defect formation in the laboratory / T. Kibble
  • Vortex phases in condensed matter and cosmology / M. Laine
  • Old and new cosmic and other defect string models / B. Carter
  • Dark matter and cosmic strings in particle models / X. Zhang
  • The fate of cosmic string zero modes / A.-C. Davis, S.C. Davis and W.B. Perkins
  • New regime for dense string networks / C.S. Aulakh
  • Dilatonic, current-carrying cosmic strings / C.N. Ferreira, M.E.X. Guimariies and J.A. Helayel-Neto
  • Phase transitions and magnetic fields. High temperature symmetry nonrestoration / B. Bajc
  • The origin of cosmic magnetic fields / O. Tornkvist
  • Primordial magnetic fields and electroweak baryogenesis / D. Grasso
  • Wess-Zumino wallpaper / P.M. Saffin
  • Non-equilibrium dynamics of hot Abelian Higgs model / A. Rajantie
  • Mass shift ofaxion in magnetic field / N.V. Mikheev, A. Ya. Parkhomenko and L.A. Vassilevskaya
  • Cosmological magnetic fields by parametric resonance? / F. Finelli
  • First-order phase transitions in an early-universe environment / M. Lilley
  • Q-balls. Cosmology of SUSY Q-balls / A. Kusenko
  • Q-ball formation through Affleck-Dine mechanism / S. Kasuya
  • Energy losses of Q-balls in matter, earth and detectors / M. Ouchrif
  • Neutrinos. Recent results from Super-Kamiokande / M. Takita
  • Neutrino oscillations at the accelerators/reactors / S. Mishra
  • Non-accelerator neutrino mass searches / K. Zuber
  • Neutrinoless double beta decay and new physics in the neutrino sector / H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and H. Pas.
  • Theoretical implications of recent neutrino discoveries / R.N. Mohapatra
  • Mirror neutrinos and the early universe / R.R. Volkas
  • Neutrino scattering in strong magnetic fields / K. Bhattacharya and P.B. Pal
  • Effects of a general set of interactions on neutrino propagation in matter / E. Nardi
  • Active-sterile neutrino oscillations in the early universe and the atmospheric neutrino anomaly / P. Di Bari
  • R-parity violation and neutrino masses / E.J. Chun
  • Baryogenesis. Recent progress in Affleck-Dine baryogenesis / K. Enqvist
  • Sources for electroweak baryogenesis / K. Kainulainen
  • Supersymmetric electroweak baryogenesis / N. Rius
  • The quantum Boltzmann equation in a nontrivial background / M. Joyce, K. Kainulainen and T. Prokopec
  • Making baryons below the electroweak scale / M. Trodden
  • Electroweak baryogenesis from preheating / J. Garcia-Bellido
  • Baryon number asymmetry induced by coherent motions of a cosmological axion-like pseudoscalar / R. Brustein and D.H. Oaknin
  • Reconciling neutrino oscillations with SO(10) leptogenesis / E. Nezri and J. Orloff
  • The muon mass and a neutrino asymmetry: a minimal baryogenesis Mechanism / J. March-Russell
  • String cosmology. String cosmology: an update / G. Veneziano
  • Cosmology of strongly coupled strings / P. Binetruy
  • Cosmological aspects of heterotic M-theory / T. Barreiro and B. de Carlos
  • Remarks of anomalous U(1) symmetries in string theory / H.P. Nilles
  • Extra dimensions. Large extra space and time dimensions: some cosmological issues / G. Gabadadze
  • Large radius generation and phase transitions with extra dimensions / K.R. Dienes [and others]
  • Our world as an expanding shell / M. Gogberashvili
  • Cosmological expansion in the Randall-Sundrum warped compactification / J.M. Cline
  • Pre-big bang string cosmology and holography / J. Maharana.