Table des matières:
  • Preface; List of figures; List of maps; List of plates; List of tables; Acknowledgments; Credits; Abbreviations and symbols; Transcription conventions; Chapter 1 Indo-European and the Indo-European languages; 1.1. Introduction; 1.2. Methodological preliminaries; 1.3. The comparative method and the regularity principle; 1.4. The method of internal reconstruction; 1.5. Genetic classifications and family trees; 1.6. The Indo-European language family; 1.7. Aspects of Proto-Indo-European culture and civilization; 1.8. Summary; Chapter 2 An outline of Proto-Indo-European; 2.1. Phonology
  • 2.2. Morphology2.3. Syntax; 2.4. Summary; Chapter 3 Ancient Italy and its Indo-Europeanization; 3.1. The European Stone Age and its reflection in Italy; 3.2. The Metal Ages; 3.3. Rome; 3.4. The Etruscans; 3.5. The people of ancient Italy; 3.6. Summary; Chapter 4 The languages of ancient Italy; 4.1. Sources of information; 4.2. Samples of the Italic languages; 4.3. Samples of non-Italic languages; 4.4. Interrelationships within Italic; 4.5. Relationships between the Italic and other Indo-European languages; 4.6. Summary; Chapter 5 Materials for the study of Latin
  • 5.1. Samples of Latin inscriptions, with commentary5.2. Continuous texts; 5.3. Literary texts; 5.4. Spoken Latin; 5.5. Graffiti; 5.6. Letters; 5.7. Summary; Chapter 6 The development of the Latin phonological system from PIE; 6.1. The vowels and laryngeals; 6.2. The consonants; 6.3. Summary; Chapter 7 The development of the Latin morphological system from PIE; 7.1. The parts of speech; 7.2. Nouns and adjectives; 7.3. Pronouns; 7.4. Comparison of adjectives; 7.5. Adverbs; 7.6. Numerals; 7.7. Undeclined forms; 7.8. The verb; 7.9. Summary; References; Classical sources cited; Indexes of forms
  • 1. Latin-Faliscan2. Albanian; 3. Anatolian; 4. Armenian; 5. Baltic; 6. Celtic; 7. Germanic; 8. Greek; 9. Indo-Iranian; 10. Other Italic; 11. Non-Italic IE of Italy; 12. Non-Indo-European; 13. Romance; 14. Slavic; 15. Tocharian; 16. Proto-Indo-European; Index of authors; Index of classical references; Index of subjects