
Kant's Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason : a Commentary.

A rigorous and comprehensive commentary, showing how the Religion develops key themes in Kant's mature philosophy.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: DiCenso, James, 1957-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Kant's Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason: A Commentary; Title; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; CHAPTER 1: Introduction: Religion through the lens of practical reason; Problems with censorship; Kantian ethics and religion; Interpreting religious language; Methodological considerations; CHAPTER 2: Kant's prefaces to the first and second editions; CHAPTER 3: Religion Part One: Concerning the indwelling of the evil principle alongside the good, or, of the radical evil in human nature; Kant's remark.
  • Part One, Section One: Concerning the original predisposition [Anlage] to good in human naturePart One, Section Two: Concerning the propensity to evil [Von dem Hange zum Bösen] in human nature; Part One, Section Three: The human being is by nature evil; Part One, Section Four: Concerning the origin of evil in human nature; General remark: Concerning the restoration to its power of the original predisposition to the good; CHAPTER 4: Religion Part Two: Concerning the battle of the good against the evil principle for dominion over the human being.
  • Part Two, Section One: Concerning the rightful claim of the good principle to dominion over the human beingA. The personified idea of the good principle; B. The objective reality of this idea; C. Difficulties that stand in the way of the reality of this idea, and their solution; Part Two, Section Two: Concerning the evil principles rightful claim to dominion over the human being, and the struggle of the two principles with one another; Kant's general remark.
  • CHAPTER 5: Religion Part Three: The victory of the good principle over the evil principle, and the founding of a Realm of God on Earth [eines Reichs Gottes auf Erden]Part Three, Division One: Philosophical representation of the victory of the good principle in the founding of the Realm of God on Earth; I. Concerning the ethical state of nature; II. The human being ought to leave the ethical state of nature in order to become a member of an ethical community; III. The concept of an ethical community is the concept of a people of God under ethical laws.
  • IV. The idea of a people of God cannot be realized (by human organization) except in the form of a churchV. The constitution of each and every church always proceeds from some historical (revealed) faith, which we can call ecclesiastical faith, and this is best founded on a holy scripture; VI. Ecclesiastical faith has the pure faith of religion for its supreme interpreter; VII. The gradual transition of ecclesiastical faith toward the exclusive dominion of pure religious faith is the coming of the realm of God.