
Episcopal elections in late antiquity /

The election of a new bishop was a defining moment for local Christian communities in Late Antiquity. This volume contributes to a reassessment of the phenomenon of episcopal elections from the broadest possible perspective, examining the varied combination of factors, personalities, rules and habit...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor Corporativo: Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity (ca. 250-600 A.D.)
Otros Autores: Leemans, Johan, 1965-
Formato: Electrónico Congresos, conferencias eBook
Publicado: Boston : De Gruyter, ©2011.
Colección:Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte ; 119.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Episcopal elections in late antiquity : structures and perspectives / Peter Van Nuffelen, Johan Leemans
  • Episcopal succession in Antioch in the sixth century / Pauline Allen
  • The election of Ambrose of Milan / Timothy David Barnes
  • Theodoret of Cyrrhus and Syrian episcopal elections / George A. Bevan
  • L'élection d'archevêques diphysites au trône alexandrin (451-482) : une désignation artificielle et contrainte? / Philippe Blaudeau
  • Bischofswahl und Bischofsernennung im Synodicon Orientale / Peter Bruns
  • La royauté mérovingienne et les élections épiscopales au Vie siècle / Bruno Dumézil
  • Canonical legislation on the ordination of bishops : Innocent I's letter to Victricius of Rouen / Geoffrey D. Dunn
  • Christlicher Euergetismus ob honorem? : die Einsetzung von Klerikern in ihre Ämter und die von diesen vorangetriebenen Bauprojekte / Rudolf Haensch
  • Clerical marriage and episcopal elections in the Latin West : from Siricius to Leo I / David G. Hunter
  • The saint and the bishop : Severinus of Noricum / Veit Rosenberger
  • Bishops and clerics during the fourth century : numbers and their implications / Raymond Van Dam
  • The rhetoric of rules and the rule of consensus / Peter Van Nuffelen
  • Les élections épiscopales en Égypte aux VIe-VIIe siècles / Ewa Wipszycka
  • Bischofswahlen in Rom (3.-6. Jh.) : Bedingungen, Akteure, Verfahren / Eckhard Wirbelauer
  • Les élections épiscopales en Orient sous Sévère d'Antioche (512-518) / Frédéric Alpi
  • ut sancto sanctus succederet
  • oder, Haben Heilige eine Wahl? : ein Ausblick auf die frühmittelalterliche Bischofserhebung in den Viten heiliger Bischöfe / Daniel Alt
  • Bishop Pesynthios of Koptos (Egypt) : "he did not pursue the honour, but it was the honour that pursued him" / Renate Dekker
  • An extraordinary bishop : Eusebius of Caesarea in Cappadocia / Federico Fatti
  • The election and deposition of Meletius of Antioch : the fall of an integrative bishop / Oliver Hihn
  • Haeres Petri : Kontinuität und Wandel in der Bischofsnachfolge des Siricius von Rom / Christian Hornung
  • Episcopal succession as criterion of communion : the rise of rival episcopal genealogies in Alexandria according to Liberatus of Carthage / Shawn W.J. Keough
  • Epiphanius of Cyprus vs. John of Jerusalem : an improper ordination and the escalation of the Origenist controversy / Young Richard Kim
  • Episcopal elections in Gaul : the normative view of the Concilia Galliae versus the narrative accounts / Susan Loftus
  • Ecclesia non abhorret a sanguine : les élections épiscopales dans l'Église arménienne aux IVe-Ve siècles / Aram Mardirossian
  • Education, humility and choosing ideal bishops in late antiquity / Jaclyn Maxwell
  • The manipulation of tradition : the past as a tool for political and religious victory during the Laurentian controversy / David McOmish
  • Episcopal elections in 5th-century Vandal North Africa / Carla Nicolaye
  • Bischofswechsel in Edessa zur Zeit der christologischen Auseinandersetzung / Claudia Rammelt
  • Zum Beispiel Proklos von Konstantinopel : über Chancen und Grenzen des spätantiken Bischofsamtes / Josef Rist
  • The election of Sahak I as Catholicos of the Armenian Church / Oleh Shchuryk
  • Procedure and hierarchy : models of episcopal election in late antique conciliar and papal rule making / Andreas Thier
  • Episcopal self-presentation : Sidonius Apollinaris and the episcopal election in Bourges AD 470 / Johannes A. van Waarden
  • The election of Paul the Jew (519) in light of the Theopaschite controversy / Dana Iuliana Viezure.