
Alfresco 3 web services : build Alfresco applications using web services, web scripts and CMIS /


Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Cei, Ugo
Otros Autores: Lucidi, Piergiorgio
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham, U.K. : Packt, 2010.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Authors; About the Reviewers; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Introducing the SOAP Web Services API; Web Services; Web Services in Alfresco; Introducing SOAP; SOAP vs. REST; The format of SOAP messages; The Web Services Description Language; Using Alfresco Web Services; Using the Alfresco Web Services client SDK; Setting up the Alfresco SDK; Testing the Web Services client; Summary; Chapter 2: Creating and Modifying Content; The Content Manipulation Language (CML); Setting up the Java classpath; Using the precompiled client
  • Using third-party frameworksAuthentication; Setting the endpoint address with a properties file; Setting the endpoint address programmatically; Performing operations on nodes; Creating nodes; Creating content; Creating content using the content service; Removing nodes; Moving nodes; Copying nodes; Associations; Adding child nodes; Removing child nodes; Versioning; Updating nodes without versioning; Getting the version history; Aspects; Adding aspects; Removing aspects; Searching the repository; Performing Lucene queries; Querying associated nodes; Association; Querying child nodes
  • Querying parent nodesSummary; Chapter 3: Collaboration and Administration; Creating collaborative content; Performing check-out; Check-in; Check-in with versioning; Check-in-importing external content; Cancelling a check-out; Managing versioning explicitly; Creating a new version; Deleting all the versions; Getting the version history; Reverting a version; Managing locking explicitly; Locking; Unlocking; Getting the lock status; Classification and categories; Getting classifications; Describing a classification; Getting categories; Adding categories; Getting child categories; Authorization
  • Setting ownersAdding permissions; Creating authorities; Managing actions; Getting action definitions; Default actions; Getting an action definition; Executing actions; Saving actions; Getting actions; Removing actions; Managing rules; Default Conditions; Adding rules; Managing users; Adding users; Deleting users; Updating users; Changing passwords; Getting user information; Searching users; Summary; Chapter 4: A Complete Example; Setting up the project; The Bookshop model; Sign in page; Home page; Configure the bookshop repository; Book details page; Getting book properties
  • Checking the cart spaceGetting all the associated reviews; Adding a book to the cart; Checking if the cart space exists; Creating the cart space; Adding a book in the cart; Cart page; Removing a book from the cart; Adding a review; Managing reviews page; Accepting reviews; Rejecting reviews; Changing user details; Summary; Chapter 5: Using the Alfresco Web Services from .NET; Setting up the project; Testing the .NET sample client; Searching the repository; Performing operations; Authentication; CRUD operations; Creating nodes; Creating content; Updating nodes; Copying nodes; Moving nodes