
The making of memory in the Middle Ages /

Memory in the Middle Ages has received particular attention in recent decades; yet; the topic remains difficult to grasp and the research on it rather fragmented. This book gathers particular case studies on memory in different parts of medieval Europe and in a variety of fields including literature...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Doležalová, Lucie
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2010.
Colección:Later medieval Europe ; v. 4.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Revisiting memory in the Middle Ages (introduction) / Lucie Doležalová and Tamás Visi
  • Communal memory of the distributed author : applicability of the connectionist model of memory to the study of traditional narratives / Slavica Ranković.
  • pt. 1. Storing and recuperating knowledge
  • The art of memory in practice
  • Writing the memory of the virtues and vices in Johannes Sintram's (d. 1450) preaching aids / Kimberly Rivers
  • Memory, meditation, and preaching : a fifteenth-century memory machine in Central Europe (the text Nota hanc figuram composuerunt doctores ... /Pro aliquali intelligentia ...) / Farkas Gábor Kiss
  • The staging of memory : ars memorativa and the spectacle of imagination in late medieval preaching in Poland / Rafał Wójcik
  • On mistake and meaning : scinderationes fonorum in medieval artes memoriae, mnemonic verses, and manuscripts / Lucie Doležalová
  • Mnemonic aids
  • The verse Bible as aide-mémoire / Greti Dinkova-Bruun
  • Exhibete membra vestra : verbal and visual enthymeme as late medieval mnemotechnics / Laura Iseppi De Filippis
  • The late medieval summa Iovis as a case study for the use of poems as mnemonic aids / Rüdiger Lorenz
  • Pseudo-apocryphal dialogue as a tool for the memorization of scholastic wisdom : the farewell of Christ to Mary and the Liber de vita Christi by Jacobus / Péter Tóth
  • The Old Norse kenning as a mnemonic figure / Bergsveinn Birgisson.
  • pt. 2. Remembering and forgetting the past
  • Literary strategies
  • The landscape as a memory construction in the Latin Petrarch / Francesco Stella
  • Posthumous messages : memory, romance, and the Morte d'Arthur / Jon Whitman
  • "And nothing will be wasted" : actualization of the past in Caesarius of Heisterbach's Dialogus miraculorum / Victoria Smirnova
  • Social contexts
  • The Latin vocabulary of memory in medieval Hungary / Előd Nemerkényi
  • The construction of memory and the display of social bonds in the Life of Corpus Christi Fraternity from Sibiu Hermannstadt, Nagyszeben) / Carmen Florea
  • Props of memory, triggers of narration : time and space in medieval Jewish hagiography / Lucia Raspe
  • Individual versus collective memories
  • Anselm of Laon in the twelfth-century schools : between fama and memoria / Cédric Giraud
  • Memory and hagiography : the formation of the memory of three thirteenth-century female saints / Dávid Falvay
  • Dixit quod non recordatur : memory as proof in inquisitorial trials (early fourteenth-century France) / Irene Bueno
  • Forgetting
  • Peasants' revolts memories : damnatio memoriae or hidden memories? / Vincent Challet
  • Remembering and forgetting the Sabians : Moses Maimonides, Moses Narboni, and Eleazar Eilenburg / Tamas Visi
  • Constructing the past
  • The past as a precedent : crusade, reconquest, and twelfth-century memories of a Christian Iberia / William J. Purkis
  • Memory of the past and Old Norse identity / Else Mundal
  • In memoriam defunctorum : visual arts as devices of memory / Elena Bartlová.