Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Coalitions in state reading policy issue networks / Tarmara V. Young and Cecil Miskel
  • The devil made me do it: the genesis of extreme advocacy coalitions in state reading policy / Thomas V. Sheply
  • Representation in the age of choice: implications for policy and research / Ann Allen
  • "Values" politics and no child left behind / Robert O. Slater and Mario S. Torres, Jr.
  • Toward a more refined theory of school effects: a study of the relationship between professional community and mathematic teaching in elementary school / Laura M. Desimone
  • Academic optimism of schools: a second-order confirmatory factor analysis / Wayne K. Hoy, C. John Tarter, and Anita Woolfolk Hoy
  • Teacher leadership and instructional improvement: teachers' perspectives / Melidna Mangin
  • Research into practice: a case study of how success for all builds knowledge for school improvement / Amanda Datnow and Vicki Park
  • An enduring tension: kindergarten education in an era of accountability / Jennifer Lin Russell.