Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Cover Page""; ""Title Page""; ""Copyright Page""; ""Table of Contents""; ""DOMAIN I COMPREHENSION OF LITERARY AND INFORMATIONAL TEXTS ""
  • ""Skill 1.2: Analyzing a variety of works to identify types of discourse (e.g., satire, parody, allegory, pastoral) that cross the lines of genre classifications""""Skill 1.3: Demonstrating knowledge of characteristics of literature in various genres written for adolescents and young adults""; ""Skill 1.4: Identifying and analyzing the use of literary elements (e.g., character development, setting, mood, point of view, foreshadowing, irony, diction, imagery, symbolism, figurative language)""
  • ""Skill 1.5: Analyzing a writerâ€?s purpose in the use of a particular genre or particular literary elements, stylistic devices, and structures""""Skill 1.6: Analyzing the use of theme and thematic elements in works of literature""; ""Skill 1.7: Comparing the treatment of a theme in different literary genres and across cultures and periods""; ""Skill 1.8: Recognizing and analyzing the effects of various organizational structures (e.g., chronological, in medias res, flashback, frame narrative) in works of literature""