Table des matières:
  • Quaker women and radical activism across the boundaries. Prophetic cries at Whitehall : the gender dynamics of early Quaker women's injurious speech / Kirilka Stavreva. The radical travels of Mary Fisher : walking and writing in the universal light / Sylvia Brown. Seven thousand "hand-maids and daughters of the Lord" : Lincolnshire and Cheshire Quaker women's anti-tithe protests in late Interregnum and Restoration England / Stephen A. Kent. "Truly dear hearts" : family and spirituality in Quaker women's writings 1680-1750 / Sheila Wright
  • Prophetesses : radical revisions of knowledge, gender, body, self. "Break down the walls of flesh" : Anna Trapnel, John James, and Fifth Monarchist self-representation / Naomi Baker. A "remarkable female of womankind" : gender, Scripture, and knowledge in the wriitngs of M. Marsin / Sarah Apetrei. "Mother of love " : spiritual maternity in the works of Jane Lead (1624-1704) / Julie Hirst. "I wish to be nothing" : the role of self-denial in the mystical theology of Anna Maria van Schurman / Bo Karen Lee
  • Women and radicalism across Europe, across confessions. Mouldered away in the Tower with the fruit of the womb? : on the treatment of pregnant Anabaptist women under criminal law / Marion Kobelt-Groch ; translated by Dennis L. Slabaugh. "They are but women" : Mary Ward, 1585-1645 / Pamela Ellis. Cherchez la femme : radical religion in the life and poetry of Luisa de Carvajal / José Manuel González. "A wise and godly Sybilla" : Viscountess Ranelagh and the politics of international Protestantism / Ruth Connolly.