
Civil society under strain : counter-terrorism policy, civil society, and aid post-9/11 /

Following George W. Bush's declaration of a global War on Terror in the wake of the September 11 attacks, political leaders around the world introduced a swath of counter-terrorist legislation and measures. Often hastily rushed in, not least to satisfy perceived public demand for a strong state...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Howell, Jude, Lind, Jeremy
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Sterling, VA : Kumarian Press, 2010.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • UK counter-terrorism provision and civil society: ensuring responsibility, ignoring proportionality / Alison Dunn
  • Politics as usual: civil society and development in Spain after 9/11 / Alejandro Colás
  • Counter-terrorism measures and the NGO section in the United States: a hostile environment / Kay Guinane and Suraj K. Sazawal
  • Counter-terrorism policing in Australia: impact on civil society / Annie Pettitt
  • False choice? The war on terror and its impact on state policy toward civil society in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan / Daniel Stevens and Kanykey Jailobaeva
  • Civil society, the new humanitarianism, and the stabilization debate: judging the impact of the Afghan war / Stuart Gordon
  • Counter-terrorism policy post-9/11and the selective impact on civil society: the case of India / Jude Howell
  • Civil society in Sri Lanka during and after the 5th peace process: changing spaces for advocating political transformations and delivering social welfare post-9/11 / Kristian Stokke
  • The changing dynamics of civil society and aid in the Israel-Palestine conflict post-9/11 / Jeremy Lind
  • Only civilians count: the influence of GWOT discourses on governments' humanitarian responses to terror-related conflicts / Nisrine Mansour
  • The politics of Uganda's anti-terrorism law and its impact on civil society / Joshua B. Rubongoya
  • Regional challenge, local response: civil society and human rights in US-Kenya counter-terrorism cooperation / Mutuma Ruteere and Mikewa Ogada.