Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Theorising gender, power and modernity in affluent Asia / Maila Stivens.
  • Indonesian women at work: reframing the subject /Krishna Sen.
  • Love and sex in an Indonesian mining town / Kathryn Robinson.
  • Sex, gender and the making of the new Malay middle classes / Maila Stivens.
  • Between compliance and resistance: women and the middle-class way of life in Singapore / Nirmala PuruShotam.
  • 'Flower vase and housewife': women and consumerism in post-Mao China / Beverley Hooper.
  • Chinese cultural revivalism: changing gender constructions in the Yangtze River delta / Anne E. McLaren.
  • Vietnam's women in the renovation era / Stephanie Fahey.
  • 'Dutiful daughters', estranged sisters: women in Thailand / Nerida Cook.
  • The gendering of post-war Philippine politics / Mina Roces.