Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / Denise Eileen McCoskey and Emily Zakin
  • City farewell! : genos, polis, and gender in Aeschylus' Seven against Thebes and Euripides' Phoenician Women / Peter Burian
  • Antigone : the work of literature and the history of subjectivity / Charles Shepherdson
  • The Laius complex / Mark Buchan
  • Jocasta's Eye and Freud's Uncanny / David Schur
  • Sexual difference and the aporia of justice in Sophocles' Antigone / Victoria Wohl
  • Tragedy, natural law, and sexual difference in Hegel / Elaine P. Miller
  • Marrying the city : intimate strangers and the fury of democracy / Emily Zakin
  • Playing the Cassandra : prophecies of the feminine in the Polis and beyond / Pascale-Anne Brault
  • The loss of abandonment in Sophocles' Electra / Denise Eileen McCoskey
  • Electra in exile / Kirk Ormand
  • Orestes and the in-laws / Mark Griffith.