Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part 2. Cuban Culture at the Eye of the Globalizing Hurricane: The Case of Nueva Trova / Norman Cheadle
  • From Pablo Neruda to Luciana Souza: Latin America as Poetic-Musical Space / Maria L. Figueredo
  • The Transculturation of Capoeira: Brazilian, Canadian, and Caribbean Interpretations of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art / Janelle Joseph
  • Kcho's La regata: Political or Poetic Installation? / Lee L'Clerc
  • Collective Memory of Cultural Trauma in Peru: Efforts to Move from Blame to Reconciliation / Jennifer Martino
  • Part 3. Individualism and Human Rights in Antonio Skármeta's Match Ball / Gordana Yovanovich
  • Collective Memory and the Borderlands in Guillermo Verdecchia's Fronteras Americanas / Pablo Ramírez)
  • From Exile to the Pandilla: The Construction of the Hispanic-Canadian Masculine Subject in Cobro Revertido and Côte-des-Nègres / Stephen Henighan.
  • Part 1. Latin America and the New Pax Americana / Jorge Nef and Alejandra Roncallo
  • Cultural Resilience and Political Transformation in Bolivia / Susan Healey
  • Globalization and Indigenas: The Alto Balsas Nahuas / Frans J. Schryer
  • Language Shift, Maintenance, and Revitalization: Quichua in an Era of Globalization / Rosario Gömez
  • Afro-Brazilian Women's Identities and Activism: National and Transnational Discourse / Jessica Franklin
  • Legal Creolization, "Permanent Exceptionalism," and Caribbean Sojourners' Truths / Adrian Smith