Tabla de Contenidos:
  • An evolving communication perspective on family violence / Dudley D. Cahn
  • Relational control-motivated aggression: a theoretical framework for identifying various types of violent couples / Loreen N. Olson
  • Making sense of abuse: account analyses of male batterers / Teresa C. Sabourin
  • Measuring change in attitudes targeted by batterer intervention programs / Maria Elena Villar, Victoria Orrego-Dunleavy, Joan Svaldi Farr
  • Exploring the communication of men revealing abuse from female romantic partners / Jessica J. Eckstein
  • Seeing family violence differently: shifting perspectives from social scientific to rhetorical / Suzanne M. Enck-Wanzer
  • A communication perspective on physical child abuse / Angela B. Swanson, Dudley D. Cahn
  • Distinguishing communication behaviors of mothers high and low in trait verbal aggression: a qualitative analysis of mother-child playtime interactions / Felicia Roberts [and others]
  • Adolescent-to-parent abuse: abused parents' perceptions of the meaning and goals of adolescents' verbal, physical, and emotional abuse / Nancy J. Brule
  • Forgiving the unforgivable? Processes of forgiveness and reconciliation after episodes of family violence / Ruth Anna Abigail.