Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Exploring the territorial politics of welfare / Luis Morena and Nicola McEwen
  • Devolution and the preservation of the United Kingdom welfare state / Nicola McEwen and Richard Parry
  • Welfare management in the German federal system : the emergence of welfare regions? / Jörg Mathias
  • Territorial politics and welfare development in France / Alistair Cole
  • Spain, from state welfare to regional welfare? / Raquel Gallego, Ricard Gomà, and Joan Subirats
  • From the southern to the northern question : territorial and social politics in Italy / Valeria Fargion
  • The preservation of social security as a national function in the Belgian federal state / Régis Dandoy and Pierre Baudewyns
  • Changing political contexts in the Nordic welfare states : the central-local relationship in the 1990s and beyond / Kaisa Lähteenmäki-Smith
  • Nationalism and social policy in Canada and Québec / Daniel Béland and André Lecours
  • European social policies and national welfare constituencies : issues of legitimacy and public support / Steffen Mau
  • Beyond national social rights? / Maurizio Ferrera.