Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Bone mineral density of the skull and lower extremities during growth and calcium supplementation
  • Calcium retention in adolescence as a function of calcium intake: influence of race and gender
  • Longitudinal study of diet and lifestyle intervention on bone mineral gain in school children and adolescents: effects of Asian traditional diet and sitting style on bone mineral
  • A co-twin calcium intervention trial in premenarcheal girls: cortical bone effects by hip structural analysis
  • Calcium carbonate supplementation is associated with higher plasma IGF-1 in 16- to 18-year old boys and girls
  • Nutrients, interactions, and foods: the importance of source
  • Vitamin K and bone health
  • Dietary vitamin A is negatively related to bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
  • Hesperidin, a citrus flavanone, improves bone acquisition and prevents skeletal impairment in rats
  • Vitamin B-complex, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism and bone: potential for gene-nutrient interaction
  • A placebo controlled randomized trial of chromium picolinate supplementation on indices of bone and calcium metabolism in healthy women
  • Nutrition and teeth
  • Cognitive dietary restraint, cortisol and bone density in normal-weight women: is there a relationship?
  • Functions of vitamin D: importance for prevention of common cancers, type 1 diabetes and heart disease
  • Evidience for the breakpoint of normal serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D: which level is required in the elderly?
  • What is the optimal amount of vitamin D for osteoporosis?
  • Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and the health of the calcium economy
  • Defining optimal 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in younger and older adults based on hip bone mineral density
  • Vitamin D supplementation in postmenopausal black women improves calcium homesostasis and bone turnover in three months
  • Adherence to vitamin D supplementation in elderly patients after hip fracture
  • Vitamin D round table
  • Effects of diet acid load on bone health
  • Effect of various classes of foodstuffs and beverages of vegetable origin on bone metabolism in the rat
  • A role for fruit and vegetables in osteoporosis prevention?
  • The ovine model for the study of dietary acid base, estrogen depletion and bone health
  • The natural dietary potassium intake of humans: the effect of diet-induced potassium-replete, chloride-sufficient, chronic low-grade metabolic alkalosis, or stone age diets for the 21st century
  • N-acetyl cysteine supplementation of growing mice: effects on skeletal size, bone mineral density, and serum IGF-I
  • Dietary protein intakes and bone strength
  • Dietary protein and the skeleton
  • Milk basic protein increases bone mineral density and improves bone metabolism in humans
  • Dietary balance in physically active and inactive girls
  • Mineral waters: effects on bone and bone metabolism.