Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : Toward a critical theory of dis-citizenship / Richard Devlin and Dianne Pothier
  • Disability policy making : evaluating the evidence base / Mary Ann McColl [and others]
  • Does theory matter? Exploring the nexus between disability, human rights, and public policy / Marcia H. Rioux and Fraser Valentine
  • Justice as fairness in accomodating workers with disabilities and critical theory : the limitations of a Rawlsian framework for empowering people with disabilities in Canada / Ravi A. Malhotra
  • Multicultural citizenship : the case of the disabled / Theresa Man Ling Lee
  • Ghosts in the machine : civil rights laws and the hybrid "invisible other" / Carolyn Tyjewski
  • Working at the margins : disabled peope and the growth of precarious employment / Robert D. Wilson
  • A life without living : challenging medical and economic reductionism in home support policy for people with disabilities / Kari Krogh and Jon Johnson
  • Autism in public policy / Dana Lee Baker
  • Post-secondary education and disabled students : mining a level playing field or playing in a minefield? / Teri Hibbs and Dianne Pothier
  • Now you see her, now you don't : how law shapes disabled women's experience of exposure, surveillance, and assessment in the clinical encounter / Catherine Frazee, Joan Gilmour, and Roxanne Mykitiuk
  • Damage quantification in tort and pre-existing conditions : arguments for a reconceptualization / Darcy L. MacPherson
  • Beyond compassion and sympathy to respect and equality : gendered disability and equality rights law / Fiona Sampson
  • Infertility and the parameters of discrimination discourse / Daphne Gilbert and Diana Majury
  • Appendix : Legal developments in the Supreme Court of Canada regarding disability / Diannce Pothier.