Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : Language origins and evolutionary processes / Maggie Tallerman
  • pt. 1. Evolution of speech and speech sounds : how did spoken language emerge? Introduction to part 1 : How did links between perception and production emerge for spoken language? / Michael Studdert-Kennedy ; The mirror system hypothesis : how did protolanguage evolve? / Michael Arbib ; How did language go discrete? / Michael Studdert-Kennedy ; From holistic to discrete speech sounds : the blind snowflake-maker hypothesis / Pierre-Yves Oudeyer ; Infant-directed speech and evolution of language / Bart de Boer
  • pt. 2. Evolution of grammar : how did syntax and morphology emerge? Introduction to part 2 : Protolanguage and the development of complexity / Maggie Tallerman. Initial syntax and modern syntax : did the clause evolve from the syllable? / Maggie Tallerman ; The potential role of production in the evolution of syntax / Dana McDaniel ; The evolutionary origin of morphology / Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy ; The evolution of grammatical structures and 'functional need' explanations / Bernard Comrie and Tania Kuteva ; Deception and mate selection : some implications for relevance and the evolution of language / Bradley Franks and Kate Rigby
  • pt. 3. Analogous and homologous traits : what can we learn from other species? Introduction to pt. 3. The broadening scope of animal communication research / Alison Wray ; An avian perspective on language evolution : implications of simultaneous development of vocal and physical object combinations by a grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) / Irene Maxine Pepperberg ; Linguistic prerequisites in the primate lineage / Klaus Zuberbühler
  • pt. 4. Learnibility and diversity : how did languages emerge and diverge? Introduction to part 4 : Computer modelling widens the focus of language study / James R. Hurford ; Cultural selection for learnability : three principles underlying the view that language adapts to be learnable / Henry Brighton, Simon Kirby, and Kenny Smith ; Co-evolution of the language faculty and languages(s) with decorrelated encodings / Ted Briscoe ; Acquisition and evolution of quasi-regular languages : two puzzles for the price of one / Matthew Roberts, Luca Onnis, and Nick Chater ; Evolution of language diversity : why fitness counts / Zach Solan [and others] ; Mutual exclusivity : communicative success despite conceptual divergence / Andrew D.M. Smith.