Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Machine generated contents note: Must We Be Inauthentic? / Taylor Carman
  • Significance of Authenticity / Randall Havas
  • Truth and Finitude: Heidegger's Transcendental Existentialism / John Haugeland
  • Philosophy and Authenticity: Heidegger's Search for a Ground for Philosophizing / Charles Guignon
  • Kierkegaard's Present Age and Ours / Alastair Hannay
  • End of Authentic Selfhood in the Postmodern Age? / Michael E. Zimmerman
  • "The End of Metaphysics" and "A New Beginning" / Michel Haar
  • Nietzsche and the "Masters of Truth": The Pre-Socratics and Christ / Beatrice Han
  • What Is Dwelling? The Homelessness of Modernity and the Worlding of the World / Julian Young
  • Uncovering the Space of Disclosedness: Heidegger, Technology, and the Problem of Spatiality in Being and Time / Jeff Malpas
  • Primacy of Practice and Assertoric Truth: Dewey and Heidegger / William D. Blattner
  • Absorbed Coping, Husserl and Heidegger / Dagfinn Follesdal
  • Proofs and Presuppositions: Heidegger, Searle, and the "Reality" of the "External" World / David R. Cerbone
  • Intending the Intender (Or, Why Heidegger Isn't Davidson) / Mark Okrent
  • Responses / Hubert L. Dreyfus.