Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : the making of culture, identity, and ethnicity among Asian American youth / Min Zhou and Jennifer Lee. Part I. Population dynamics and diverse contexts of growing up American. Coming of age at the turn of the 21st century : a demographic profile of Asian American youth / Min Zhou
  • Intermarriage and multiracial identification : the Asian American experience and implications for changing color lines / Jennifer Lee and Frank D. Bean. Part II. Historical patterns of cultural practices among Asian American youth. Rizal Day queen contests, Filipino nationalism, and femininity / Arleen de Vera
  • Nisei daughters' courtship and romance in Los Angeles before World War II / Valerie J. Matsumoto
  • Hell's a poppin': Asian American women's youth consumer culture / Shirley Jennifer Lim
  • Shifting ethnic identity and consciousness : U.S.-born Chinese American youth in the 1930s and 1950s / Gloria Heyung Chun. Part III. Emerging youth cultural forms and practices. Instant karma : the commercialization of Asian Indian culture / Sabeen Sandhu
  • Transnational cultural practices of Chinese immigrant youth and parachute kids / Christy Chiang-Hom
  • Reinventing the wheel : import car racing in southern California / Victoria Namkung
  • "No lattés here" : Asian American youth and the cyber café obsession / Mary Yu Danico and Linda Trinh Võ
  • Filipinotown and the DJ scene : cultural expression and identity affirmation of Filipino American youth in Los Angeles / Lakandiwa M. de Leon
  • A shortcut to the American dream? : Vietnamese youth gangs in Little Saigon / James Diego Vigil, Steve C. Yun, and Jesse Cheng
  • Lost in the fray : Cambodian American youth in Providence, Rhode Island / Sody Lay. Part IV. Negotiating and affirming identity, space, and choice. Made in the U.S.A second generation Korean American evangelicals / Rebecca R. Kim
  • Performing race, negotiating identity : Asian American professional actors in Hollywood / Nancy Wang Yuen
  • Searching for home : voices of gay Asian American youth in West Hollywood / Mark Tristan Ng
  • Marriage dilemmas : partner choices and constraints for Korean Americans in New York City / Sara S. Lee
  • A commentary on young Asian American activists from the 1960s to the present / William Wei
  • Conclusion : reflections, thoughts, and directions for future research / Jennifer Lee and Min Zhou.