Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : as the dust settles : welfare reform and rural America / Leslie A. Whitener, Bruce A. Weber, Greg Duncan
  • Approaching the limit : early national lessons from welfare reform / Sheldon Danziger
  • Rural labor markets in an era of welfare reform / Robert M. Gibbs
  • Rural America in transition : poverty and welfare at the turn of the twenty-first century / Daniel T. Lichter, Leif Jensen
  • Reducing food stamp and welfare caseloads in the South : are rural areas less likely to succeed than urban centers? / Mark Henry, Lynn Reinschmiedt, Willis Lewis, Darren Hudson
  • Seasonal employment dynamics and welfare use in agricultural and rural California counties / Henry E. Brady, Mary Sprague, Fredric C. Gey, Michael Wiseman
  • Location and the low-income experience : analyses of program dynamics in the Iowa family investment program / Helen H. Jensen, Shao-Hsun Keng, Steven Garasky
  • Small towns and welfare reform : Iowa case studies of families and communities / Cynthia Needles Fletcher, Jan L. Flora, Barbara J. Gaddis, Mary Winter, Jacquelyn S. Litt
  • Where all the counties are above average : human service agency directors' perspectives on welfare reform / Ann Tickamyer, Julie White, Barry Tadlock, Debra Henderson
  • The impact of welfare policy on the employment of single mothers living in rural and urban areas / Signe-Mary McKernan, Robert Lerman, Nancy Pindus, Jesse Valente
  • Welfare reform in rural Minnesota : experimental findings from the Minnesota family investment program / Lisa A. Gennetian, Cindy Redcross, and Cynthia Miller
  • Will attainable jobs be available for TANF recipients in local labor markets? Evidence from Mississippi on prospects for "job-skill matching" of TANF adults / Frank M. Howell
  • Whose job is it? Employers' views on welfare reform / Ellen Shelton, Greg Owen, Amy Bush Stevens, Justine Nelson-Christinedaughter, Corinna Roy, June Heineman
  • The short-term impacts of welfare reform in persistently poor rural areas / Mark Harvey, Gene F. Summers, Kathleen Pickering, Patricia Richards
  • Food stamps in rural America : special issues and common themes / Sheena McConnell, James Ohls
  • The decline in food stamp use by rural low-income households : less need or less access? / Mark Nord
  • Lessons learned : welfare reform and food assistance in rural America / Greg Duncan, Leslie A. Whitener, Bruce A. Weber.