Table of Contents:
  • The pharmaceutical/medical complex: A significant portion of medical research cannot be trusted
  • Drug companies too often place profits over progress
  • Medical personnel prescribe incorrectly too often
  • Human subjects have often been treated inhumanely
  • Drugs in psychiatry: U.S. citizens are overmedicated with psychiatric drugs, which are considerably less successful than advocates claim
  • There are many effective alternatives to psychiatric drugs
  • The wars on drugs: widely believed but incorrect notions about drug addiction do great harm
  • Most citizens are harmed rather than helped by the drug wars
  • Many drugs are dangerous
  • Extensive marketing of three legal drugs (alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine) causes great harm, especially to children
  • Many individuals and organizations benefit from the drug wars
  • Popular prevention and treatment programs for drug abuse have poor success rates, while effective (and much less expensive programs) are underused
  • Appendix: Introduction to pharmacology
  • How drugs work
  • Classification of psychoactive drugs
  • Variability.