Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: violence against woman and the habits of thought / Anna Roberts
  • The violence of exegesis: reading the bodies of Ælfric's female saints / Shari Horner
  • Women, power, and violence in Orderic Vitalis's Historia Ecclesiastica / Jean Blacker
  • The Mont St. Michel giant; sexual violence and imperialism in the chronicles of Wace and Ladzamon / Laurie Finke and Martin Shielitman
  • Consuming passions: variations on the eaten heart theme / Madeleine Jeay
  • The rhetoric of incest in the Middle English Emaré / Anne Laskaya
  • "Quiting" Eve: violence against women in the Canterbury Tales / Angela Jane Weisl
  • Rivalry, rape, and manhood: Gower and Chaucer / Caro1yn Dinshaw
  • Gender subversion and linguistic castration in fifteenth-century English translations of Christine de Pizan / Jane Chance
  • Domesticating the Spanish inquisition / Deborah S. Ellis
  • Violence, silence, and the memory of witches / Jody Enders.