Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. The history of twin and sibling-pair studies / Tim D. Spector
  • 2. Influence of design on the outcome of twin studies / David P. Strachan
  • 3. Sample selection and outcome definition in twin studies: experiences from the Finnish twin cohort study / Jaakko Kaprio, Pia K. Verkasalo and Markku Koskenvuo
  • 4. Practical approaches to account for bias and confounding in twin data / Alex J. MacGregor
  • 5. The co-twin control study / David L. Duffy
  • 6. Generalisability and assumptions of twin studies / Kirsten Ohm Kyvik
  • 7. Fetal programming or genes? / David W. Phillips
  • 8. Twin and sib-pair studies in developing countries / Xiping Xu, Changzhong Chen and Tianhua Niu / [and others]
  • 9. Comparison of analysis of variance and likelihood models of twin data analysis / Joe C. Christian and Christopher J. Williams
  • 10. Path analysis of age-related disease traits / Harold Snieder
  • 11. Survival analysis methods in twin research / Andrew Pickles
  • 12. Gene-environment interaction and twin studies / Nick Martin
  • 13. Why 'common environmental effects' are so uncommon in the literature / John L. Hopper
  • 14. Using sib-pairs and parent-child trios in association studies / Cathryn M. Lewis
  • 15. The concept of genome-wide power and a consideration of its potential use in mapping polygenic traits: the example of sib-pairs / David B. Allison and Myles S. Faith
  • 16. The use of twins in quantitative trait locus mapping / Nicholas J. Schork and Xiping Xu
  • 17. Multivariate QTL analysis using structural equation modelling: a look at power under simple conditions / Dorret I. Boomsma and Conor V. Dolan
  • 18. QTL mapping with sib-pairs: the flexibility of Mx / Michael C. Neale
  • 19. Implications of pharmacogenetic polymorphisms for human health / C. Roland Wolf and Gillian Smith.