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Table des matières:
  • An official's report: the Hernandez de Biedma account / Ida Altman
  • The incestuous Soto narratives / Patricia Galloway
  • The gentleman of Elvas and his publisher / Martin Malcolm Elbl and Ivana Elbl
  • La Florida del Inca: Garcilaso's literary sources / Lee Dowling
  • 'So unbelievable it has to be true': Inca Garcilaso in two worlds / David Henige
  • Hernando de Soto before Florida: a narrative / Curt Lamar
  • Hernando de Soto and his Florida fantasy / Ignacio Avellaneda
  • Soto's problems of orientation: maps, navigation, and instruments in the Florida expedition / Robert S. Weddle
  • Leagues in Mexico versus leagues in Florida: how good were estimates? / Ross Hassig
  • Of roads and reifications: the interpretation of historical roads and the Soto entrada / Jack D. Elliott Jr.
  • Disease and the Soto entrada / Ann F. Ramenofsky and Patricia Galloway
  • Conjoncture and longue duree: history, anthropology, and the Hernando de Soto expedition / Patricia Galloway
  • From chiefdom to tribe in northeast Mississippi: the Soto expedition as a window on a culture in transition / Jay K. Johnson
  • The historical significance of the Soto route / Charles Hudson
  • The expedition of Hernando de Soto and the Spanish struggle for justice / Ralph H. Vigil
  • Law, legitimacy, and the legacy of Hernando de Soto / Lawrence J. Goodman and John R. Wunder
  • Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes: chronicler of the Indies / Juan Bautista de Avalle-Arce
  • The representation of violence in the Soto narratives / Jose Rabasa
  • Commemorative history and Hernando de Soto / Patricia Galloway.