Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Fear in military regimes : an overview / Manuel Antonio Garreton
  • Some people die of fear : fear as a political problem / Norbert Lechner
  • Repression and state security / Patricia Weiss Fagen
  • Victims of fear : the social psychology of repression / Sofia Salimovich, Elizabeth Lira, Eugenia Weinstein
  • Makers and guardians of fear : controlled terror in Uruguay / Juan Rial
  • Gender, death, and resistance : facing the ethical vacuum / Jean Franco
  • Resistance to fear in Chile : the experience of the Vicaria de la Solidaridad / Hugo Frulhling
  • Fear of the state, fear of society : on the opposition protests in Chile / Javier Martinez
  • Testimonial literature and the armed struggle in Brazil / Joan Dassin
  • Cultures of fear, cultures of resistance : the new labor movement in Brazil / Maria Helena Moreira Alves
  • Youth, politics, and dictatorship in Uruguay / Carina Perelli
  • Strategies of the literary imagination / Beatriz Sarlo
  • Beyond fear : forms of justice and compensation / Emilio F. Mignone
  • Toward societies without fear / Juan E. Corradi.