Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover ; The History of al-Tabari: Editorial Board ; The History of al-Tabari: Vol. XXVII; Copyright ; Acknowledgement; Preface; The Caliphate of Marwan b. Muhammad; The Events of the Year 127 (October 13, 744
  • October 2, 745); Why The Oath of Allegiance Was Given to Marwan; Revolt of the People of Hims; The Revolt of al-Dahhak the Kharijite (Muhakkim); The Revolt of Sulayman b. Hisham; The Events of the Year 128 (October 3, 745
  • September 21, 746); The Slaying of al-Harith b. Surayj; The Slaying of al-Khaybari and Shayban's Succession; Yazid b. 'Umar b. Hubayrah is Sent to Iraq
  • Abu Hamzah the Karijite in ArabiaThe Events of the Year 129 (September 22, 746
  • September 10, 747); The Death of Shayban b. 'Abd al-'Aziz the Kharijite; Abu Muslim Preaches the 'Abbasid Revolution in Khurasan; The Account of Khazim b. Khuzaymah's Victory Over Marwarrudh; The Arab Tribesmen of Khurasan Ally Against Abu Muslim; How Abu Hamzah the Kharijite Led the Pilgrimage; The Death of Shayban b. Salamah the Kharijite and the Reason for It; Why Abu Muslim Killed the Sons of Juday' al-Kirmani; The Slaying of the Governor of Jurjan; Abu Hamzah's Entry into Madinah and What Came of It
  • Other EventsThe Events of the Year 131 (August 31, 748
  • August 19, 749); The Death of Nasr b. Sayyar; Qahtabah Camps at Rayy and Abu Muslim Moves to Naysabur; The Death of 'Amir b. Dubarah and the Reason For It; Qahtabah's Battle at Nihaward; Abu 'Awn's Battle at Shahrazur; Other Events; The Events of the Year 132 (August 20, 749
  • August 8, 750); The Death of Qahtabah and the Reasons For It; Muhammad b. Khalid al-Qasri Revolts at Kufah; The Caliphate of Abu Al-'Abbas' Abdallah b. Muhammad b. 'Ali b. 'Abdallah b. 'Abbas; The Origins of His Caliphate
  • The Remaining Reports of Events of this YearMarwan's Defeat at the Zab and Why and How it Came; The Death of the Imam Ibrahim the 'Abbasid; Those Who Say He Died in Prison; The Death of Marwan and His Battle with the Syrians; Abu al-Ward's Adopting White and What Happened; Habib b. Murrah Puts on White; The Revolt of the Jazaris; Abu Ja'far's Journey to Khurasan; The Battle for Wasit; The Death of Ibn Hubayrah; Other Events; The Events of the Year 133 (August 9, 750
  • July 29, 751); The Events of this Year; The Events of the Year 134 (July 30, 751
  • July 17, 752)
  • The Rebellion of Bassam b. IbrahimThe Account of What Occurred in 'Uman; Death of Mansur b. Jumhur in Sind; Other Events of this Year; The Events of the Year 135 (July 18, 752
  • July 7, 753); The Rebellion of Ziyad b. Salih in Transoxania; Other Events; The Events of the Year 136 (July 7, 753
  • June 26, 754); What Happened When Abu Muslim Came to the Caliph; Their Journey and a Description of Their Return to Abu al-'Abbas; The Death of Abu7 al-'Abbas al-Saffah; Bibliography; Index; A; B; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; l.; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; W; Y; Z; Back Cover