Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Management and Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium""; ""Copyright""; ""Preface""; ""Contents""; ""Executive Summary""; ""THE SPENT FUEL STANDARD""; ""Promising and Unpromising Options for Meeting the Spent Fuel Standard""; ""The Leading-Candidate Options: Specific Cases and Their Timing""; ""OTHER ASPECTS OF SECURITY""; ""ECONOMIC COMPARISONS""; ""ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY, AND HEALTH (ES&H)""; ""RECOMMENDATIONS""; ""Parallel Project-Oriented Programs""; ""Working with Russia""; ""The Longer Term""; ""REFERENCES""; ""1 Introduction""; ""ROAD MAP OF THE REPORT""; ""UNCERTAINTIES""
  • ""GOALS, TIMING, AND RELATED FACTORS""""The Importance of Timing""; ""Cost and Other Objectives""; ""U.S. AND RUSSIAN PLUTONIUM DISPOSITION: DIFFERENCES AND LINKAGES""; ""REFERENCES""; ""2 Background""; ""PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF NUCLEAR FISSION""; ""Fission and Chain Reactions""; ""Reactor Cooling and Electricity Generation""; ""Energetics and Fuel Consumption""; ""Fuel Preparation, Refueling, and Reprocessing""; ""Preparation""; ""Refueling""; ""Reprocessing""; ""Some Differences Between Plutonium- and Uranium-Based Reactor Fuels""; ""Some Relevant Aspects of Weapon Science""
  • ""CLASSES OF DISPOSITION OPTIONS""""PRESENT AND FUTURE FISSILE MATERIAL STOCKPILES""; ""Excess Weapons Plutonium Stockpiles""; ""Total World Plutonium and HEU Stockpiles""; ""Military Plutonium Stockpiles""; ""Civilian Plutonium Stockpiles""; ""Projected Plutonium Stocks in the Year 2000""; ""HEU Stockpiles""; ""WORLD NUCLEAR-ENERGY SYSTEMS RELEVANT TO PLUTONIUM DISPOSITION""; ""Nuclear-Power Plant Types and Numbers""; ""Civilian Plutonium Separation and Use""; ""REFERENCES""; ""3 Criteria for Comparing Disposition Options""; ""CRITERIA RELATED TO SECURITY AND TIMING""
  • ""The Context for Security Concerns and Criteria""""Specific Security Concerns and Threat Characteristics""; ""A Matrix Scheme for Characterizing Options""; ""Start Dates""; ""End Dates""; ""Integrated Inventory""; ""Dilution""; ""Intrinsic Barriers""; ""Implementation-Dependent Barriers""; ""The Threat and Vulnerability Interaction""; ""Criteria for Choice""; ""ISSUES AND CRITERIA IN ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES""; ""Principles and Pitfalls in Cost Comparisons""; ""Inflation and the Real Cost of Money""; ""Property Taxes and Insurance""
  • ""Costs of Land, Materials, Labor, and Purchased Components""""Indirect Construction Costs""; ""Contingency""; ""Interest on Preoperational Investments""; ""Comprehensiveness""; ""Net Versus Gross Costs and Revenues and the Treatment of Sunk Costs""; ""Operational Lifetime of Facilities""; ""ISSUES AND CRITERIA RELATING TO ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY, AND HEALTH""; ""Proposed ES&H Criteria for Disposition of Weapons Plutonium""; ""Rationale for the Proposed Criteria""; ""The Main ES&H Issues in Weapons Plutonium Disposition""; ""OTHER CONSIDERATIONS""; ""Public Acceptability""