
In the household of Percy Bysshe Shelley : poems /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Cooperman, Robert
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Gainesville : University Press of Florida, ©1993.
Colección:Contemporary poetry series (Orlando, Fla.)
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Tom Medwin recalls his cousein Percy Shelley at Syon House Academy
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley remembers trying to raise the Devil while at Eton
  • Sir Timoth Shelly lectures his son, Prcy, before the latter goes off to Oxford
  • The Reverend Jocelyn Wlaker, fellow of New college, osford, explains the expulsion of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Lady Shelley replies to her son's accusations of adultery
  • Thomas Jefferson Hogg rationalizes his failed seduction of Harriet Westbrook shelley
  • Thomas Jefferson Hogg on the stage from Edinburgh with Shelley and Harriet
  • percy Bysshe Shelley writes to William Godwin from Dublin
  • John Philpot curran comments on Shelley's pamphlet: An Address to the Irish People
  • Miss Eliza Hitchener leaves the household of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley, after the night attack, Tremadoc, Wales
  • The Honourable Robert Leeson answers the charges of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Jack Tanner, after his attack on Shelley's house, Tremadoc
  • Thomas Love Peacock on Shelley's decamping for Switzerland with the Godwin sisters
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley and the Godwin sisters leave Lucerne for London
  • Captain Horatio Malone sits with the Godwin sisters, waiting to be paid by Shelley for ferrying them to England
  • William Godwin writes to a friend, upon his daughter Mary's elopment with Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Mary Godwin is confined to bed during her first pregnancy
  • Claire Clairmont in the household of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley after the death of his grandfather
  • Harriet Westbrook Shelley on the bank of the Serpentine, November, 1816
  • Eliza Westbrook, after the suicide of her sister, Harriet Westbrook shelley
  • Byron comes to terms with Shelley concerning Claire Clairmont
  • Claire Clairmont accompanies Shelley to the execution of Seamn John Cashman, after the Spa Fields Riots
  • Shelley takes leave of England forever
  • Mary Shelley, the night Frankenstein was born
  • a military gentleman accosts Percy Bysshe shelley in the Rome Poste Restante
  • A Calabrian priest shares a coach with Percy Bysshe Shelley and a Lombard merchant
  • Mary Shelley, upon the death of her daughter Clara
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley, after the death of his daughter Clara.
  • Charles MacFarlane remembers accompanying the Shelleys to the Etruscan ruins at Paestrum
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley, at the ruins of the Baths of Caracalla
  • Claire Clairmont attends Mary Shelley after the death of her son William
  • Sophia Stacey is escorted through the Uffizi Gallery by Shelley
  • Henry Reveley, mechanical engineer, sponsored by Shelley
  • Tom Medwin attempts animal magnetism to alleviate Shelley's nephritis
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley considers his Father-in-law William Godwin's demands for more moeny
  • Mary Shelley at San Giuliano, 1820
  • Mary Shelley at a performance by Tomasso Sgnicci: Pisa
  • Shelley goes practice shooting with Byron
  • Mary Shelley learns of her husband's illegitimate child by their maid Elise
  • From England, Leigh Hunt writes to Shelley in Italy
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley desires to sail to the near East
  • Claire Clairmont clelbrates Shelley's 29th birthday: Livorno, 3 August 1821
  • Shelley, upon the pirated publication of Queen Mab, 1821
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley is shown by Lord Byron the fifth Canto of Don Juan: Ravenna, 1821
  • From Italy, Shelley writes to peacock about the Cato Street Affair
  • Lord Byron refuses Claire Clairmont custody of their illegitimate daughter
  • Claire Clairmont, after the death of her daughter Allegra at the convent Bagnacavallo
  • Shelley sees spirits: Casa Magni, Bay of Spezia, June, 1822
  • Captain Lorenzo Pola, after his offer of aid was refused by Shelley, aboard the Don Juan, 8 July 1822
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley aboard the Don Juan, 8 July 1822
  • Cpatin Edward Trelawny at the cremation of Shelley's remains
  • Lord Byron, after Shelley drowns, remembers their sailing on Lake Geneva
  • Mary Shelley receives her dead husband's heart from Captain Trelawny
  • Edward Trelawny, after Mary Shelley denies him permission to write a biography of her late husband.