
Individuation in scholasticism : the later Middle Ages and the counter-reformation (1150-1650) /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Gracia, Jorge J. E.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Albany : State University of New York Press, ©1994.
Colección:SUNY series in philosophy.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introduction: The Problem of Individuation / Jorge J.E. Gracia
  • 2. The Legacy of the Early Middle Ages / Jorge J.E. Gracia
  • 3. The Islamic Background: Avicenna (b. 980; d. 1037) and Averroes (b. 1126; d. 1198) / Allan Back
  • 4. The Jewish Tradition: Maimonides (b. 1135; d. 1204), Gersonides (b. 1288; d. 1344), and Bedersi (b. 1270; d. 1340) / Tamar M. Rudavsky
  • 5. Albert the Great (b. 1200; d. 1280) / Jeremiah M.G. Hackett
  • 6. Roger Bacon (b. ca. 1214/20; d. 1292) / Jeremiah M.G. Hackett
  • 7. Bonaventure (b. ca. 1216; d. 1274) / Peter O. King
  • 8. Thomas Aquinas (b. ca. 1225; d. 1274) / Joseph Owens
  • 9. Henry of Ghent (b. ca. 1217; d. 1293) / Stephen F. Brown
  • 10. Godfrey of Fontaines (b. ca. 1250; d. 1306/09), Peter of Auvergne (d. 1303), and John Baconthorpe (d. 1345/48) / John F. Wippel
  • 11. James of Viterbo (b. ca. 1255; d. 1308) / John F. Wippel
  • 12. John Duns Scotus (b. ca. 1265; d. 1308) / Allan B. Wolter.
  • 13. Hervaeus Natalis (b. 1250/60; d. 1323) and Richard of Mediavilla (b. 1245/49; d. 1302/07) / Mark G. Henninger
  • 14. Durand of Saint Pourcain (b. ca. 1270; d. 1334) / Mark G. Henninger
  • 15. Henry of Harclay (b. ca. 1270; d. 1317) / Mark G. Henninger
  • 16. Walter Burley (b. ca. 1275; d. 1344 or later) / Ivan Boh
  • 17. William of Ockham (b. ca. 1285; d. 1347) / Armand A. Maurer
  • 18. Jean Buridan (b. ca. 1295/1300; d. after 1358) / Peter O. King
  • 19. Cardinal Cajetan (Thomas De Vio) (b. 1468; d. 1534) and Giles of Rome (b. ca. 1243/47; d. 1316) / Linda Peterson
  • 20. Chrysostom Javellus (b. 1472; d. 1538) and Francis Sylvester Ferrara (b. 1474; d. 1526) / Mauricio Beuchot
  • 21. Francis Suarez (b. 1548; d. 1617) / Jorge J.E. Gracia
  • 22. John of Saint Thomas (b. 1589; d. 1644) / Jorge J.E. Gracia and John Kronen
  • 23. The Scholastic Background of Modern Philosophy: Entitas and Individuation in Leibniz / Ignacio Angelelli
  • Epilogue: Individuation in Scholasticism / Jorge J.E. Gracia.