Tabla de Contenidos:
  • By woman's tears redeemed : female lament in St. Augustine's 'Confessions' and the correspondence of Abelard and Heloise / Nancy A. Jones
  • Hrotswitha writes herself : 'Clamor Validus Gandeshemensis' / Barbara K. Gold
  • Gender and negotiating discourse : mediated autobiography and female mystics of medieval Italy / Phyllis Culham
  • Saint of the womanly body : Raimon de Cornet's fourteenth-century male poetics / St. John E. Flynn
  • Petrarch's sophonisba : seduction, sacrifice, and patriarchal politics / Donald Gilman
  • Laurel as the sign of sin : Laura's textual body in Petrarch's Secretum / Paul A. Miller
  • Woman, space, and Renaissance discourse / Diana Robin
  • In praise of woman's superiority : Heinrich Cornelius 'Agrippa's De nobilitate' (1529) / Diane S. Wood
  • Artificial whore : George Buchanan's 'Apologia pro Lena'/ Charles Platter
  • "She never recovered her senses" : Roxana and dramatic representations of women at Oxbridge in the Elizabethan age / Elizabeth Richmond-Garza
  • Latin and Greek poetry by five Renaissance Italian women humanists / Holt Parker.