Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • List of Abbreviations
  • List of Photos
  • Part I. The Nazi Project "Aktion Wlassow" 1942
  • N°1. Special report from the headquarters of A. Hitler on the elimination of the Volkhov Pocket
  • N°2. Possible dispatch of Sonderführer Poelchau to the Command Center of the 18th Army on the Capture of Lieutenant General A.A. Vlasov
  • N°3. Minutes of the interrogation of Commander of the Second Shock Army Lieutenant General A.A. Vlasov in the Headquarters of the 18th Army.
  • N°4. Situation Report No. 16 of the Leningrad Partisan Movement Headquarters on the Exfiltration of Major General A.V. Afanasiev and information that General A.A. Vlasov and Chief of Staff of the Second Shock Army P.S. Vinogradov are alive.
  • N°5. Directive of General Headquarters of the High Command No. 170518 to K.A. Meretskov, the commander of troops on the Volkhov Front, on retrieving the Commander, Chief of Staff, and communications officer of the 2nd Shock Army from behind the front lines.
  • N°6. Briefings report of the head of the Leningrad Partisan Movement Headquarters M.N. Nikitin on activities to organize the search for and evacuation from behind enemy lines of the command staff of the Second Shock Army of the Volkhov Front.
  • N°7. Report of Major General A.V. Afanasiev to the Military Council of the Volkhov Front concerning the condition of the Second Shock Army and the fate of A.A. Vlasov after the army was surrounded.
  • N°9. Memorandum report from member of the Military Council of the 32nd Army G.N. Zhilenkov and V.I. Boyarsky to the German command, with instruction on the need to organize a Committee for the Liberation of the Homeland and Russian Liberation Army for the fight against the Soviet regime.
  • N°10. Proposal [by Minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories A. Rosenberg] to form a Russian National Committee under the control of the German government, prepare a declaration in the name of this committee, and form military units comprised of defectors.