
The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders : a Guide to Visual System Dysfuntion for Speech-Language Pathologists.

The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders: A Guide to Visual System Dysfunction for Speech-Language Pathologists familiarizes the reader with the complex workings of the human visual system, the motor and sensory components of normal vision as they relate to the recognition of le...

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Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Heeringa, Heidi
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Thorofare : SLACK, Incorporated, 2019.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Copyright; Contents; Dedication; About the Author; Introduction; Chapter 1 Anatomy of the Eye and Visual Brain; Structural Components of the Eye; The Role of the Brainstem in Vision; Separate Pathways for Object Identification and Action: The Ventral and Dorsal Visual Pathways; The Striate Cortex; The Prestriate Cortex; The Corpus Callosum; The Cerebellum; The Motor and Sensory Components of Vision; The Motor Components of Vision; Focusing for Near Tasks; Fixation and the Perceptual Span; Sensory Components of Vision; Visual Acuity; Visual Fields; Crowding; Contrast Sensitivity
  • Spatial PerceptionDual Integrated Networks for Visual Attention; Form Recognition and Reading; Dual Route Model of Reading and Writing; Peripheral Components of Writing; Working Memory in Oral and Written Spelling; Test Bank; Chapter 2 Impact of Visual System Dysfunction on Language and Cognition; A Historical Perspective; Multiple Pathways for Audition, Motor Speech, and Vision; Integrated Cortical Networks; Neuroplasticity; Vision and Aging; Acquired Visual System Impairment; Lesions of the Visual Pathways; Eye Movement Disorders; Optic Ataxia and Gaze Apraxia; Balint Syndrome
  • Visual Sensory System ImpairmentDiminished Visual Acuity; Impaired Depth Perception; Low Blink Rate; Impaired Contrast Sensitivity; Visual Field Loss and Reading; Blindsight/Cortical Blindness; Impaired Spatial Perception, Attention, and Neglect; Impaired Spatial Perception; Hemispatial Neglect; Attention and Hemispatial Neglect; Agnosia; Dorsal and Ventral Simultanagnosia; Prosopagnosia; Acquired Dyslexias; Letter-by-Letter Reading Strategy; Inner Speech, Working Memory, and Spelling; Acquired Peripheral Agraphia/Dysgraphia; Allographic Dysgraphia; Central Dysgraphia; Alexia with Agraphia
  • Test BankChapter 3 Assessment and Treatment of Acquired Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders; Visual Language Assessment; Arizona Battery for Reading and Spelling; Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia-2; Psycholinguistic Assessment of Language Processing Abilities; Visagraph III Eye-Tracking System; Assessment of Language-Related Functional Activities; Working Memory in Reading and Writing; Treatment of Acquired Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders; Improving Visual Scanning for Reading; Improving Recognition of Letter and Word Forms; Phonics Genius App; Build-A-Word Express App
  • Using the Alphabet Line as a Spelling StrategyLingraphica TalkPath Apps; Lingraphica TalkPath: Writing; Lingraphica TalkPath: Memory-Number Recall; MakeChange App; Improving Attention to Sound and Letter Sequences; Phonological Awareness and Working Memory; Incorporating Movement Into Language Rehabilitation; Letter-by-Letter Reading and the Tactile Kinesthetic Strategy; Paired Eye and Hand Movements in Reading; The Visuospatial Sketchpad and Orthographic Memory; Interactive Treatment Protocols; Anagram and Copy Treatment & Copy and Recall Treatment