Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Contents; Figures and Tables; Chapter 1 The Art Market in Rome in the Eighteenth Century: A Study in the Modern 'Social History' of Art; Chapter 2 The Social Histories of Art; Chapter 3 The Value of a Work of Art: Minor Collections and Display Practices; Chapter 4 Marketing Strategies and the Creation of Taste in Seventeenth-Century Rome; Chapter 5 Jan Meyssens' 1649 Portfolio of Artists: The Conception and Composition of the Book Image de divers hommes d'esprit sublime (and the Inclusion of Three Italian Painters)
  • Chapter 6 Moral Subjects and Exempla Virtutis at the Start of the Eighteenth Century: Art and Politics in England, Rome and VeniceChapter 7 Sir Joshua Reynolds in Rome, 1750-1752: The Debut of an Artist, an Art Collector or an Art Dealer?; Chapter 8 Brownlow Cecil, Ninth Earl of Exeter, Thomas Jenkins and Nicolas Mosman: Origins, Functions and Aesthetic Guidelines of a Great Drawing Collection in Eighteenth-Century Rome, Now at the British Museum; Chapter 9 The Capture of the Westmorland and the Purchase of Art in Rome in the 1770s
  • Chapter 10 Economic and Scholarly Appraisal of Ancient Marbles in Late 18th-Century RomeChapter 11 Jean-Baptiste Wicar in Rome (1784-1834): Fifty Years of Purchases, Sales, and Appraisals of Works of Art; Index