
Understanding Troubled Minds : a Guide to Mental Illness and Its Treatment.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Bloch, Sidney
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Melbourne : Melbourne University Publishing, 2014.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Understanding TROUBLED MINDS; Contents; Illustrations; Preface; Acknowledgements; CHAPTER 1 The History of Mental Illness and its Treatment; Literary descriptions of mental illness; The era of the asylum and advent of physical treatments; Great and desperate cures; The advent of psychological therapies; The contemporary scene; A mixed picture; CHAPTER 2 Making Sense of a Life; Vincent Van Gogh's life; His medical and psychiatric history; What can we make of all this?; Why the psychotic episodes?; The suicide; Combining understanding and explanation; Limitations of explanation
  • Other relevant perspectivesConclusion; CHAPTER 3 Defining and Classifying Mental Illnesses; Why is classification necessary?; The core groups of mental illnesses; How the classification is used; CHAPTER 4 Getting to Know the Person; What is covered in the interview?; Examination of the mental state; Mini-mental state test; Physical examination and special investigations; Bringing it all together; The formulation; How do we plan therapy?; Where and by whom?; Compulsory treatment; The multi-disciplinary approach; How long should treatment continue?; CHAPTER 5 Stress, Crisis and Coping; Stress
  • CrisisCoping; Defence mechanisms; Adaptation, or bringing it together; Stress and physical illness; Adjustment disorders; Acute stress reactions; Treatment and long-term problems; Conclusion; CHAPTER 6 The Spectrum of Anxiety; One anxiety or many?; What causes anxiety disorders?; General anxiety disorder; Panic disorder; Phobic disorders; Obsessive-compulsive disorder; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Treating the anxiety disorders; Conclusion; CHAPTER 7 The Highs and Lows of Mood; What is clinical depression?; How does the depressed person look?; Mania-the other side of the coin
  • Mood disorders in clinical practiceCriteria for a major depressive episode (DSM-V); What causes mood disorders?; Biological factors; Psychological and social factors; Physical illness and depression; Treating the depressed person; Psychological treatments; Physical treatments; Managing bipolar disorder including mania; Acute mania and hypomania; Preventing recurrence over the long term; Bipolar depression; Conclusion; CHAPTER 8 The Mind Talking through the Body; Why the mysterious leap from mind to body?; Who is likely to express emotion through their body?; The family as a crucible
  • How mental health professionals approach somatisationHypochondriasis; Conversion disorder; Psychogenic amnesia and fugue; Psychosomatic or psychophysiological disorders; The extreme somatising response; Malingering and factitious disorder; Treating both soma and psyche; Conclusion; CHAPTER 9 Eating Disorders; Anorexia nervosa; Treating anorexia nervosa; Bulimia nervosa; Binge-eating disorder; Obesity; Conclusion; CHAPTER 10 Disturbances of Personality; Types of problematic personalities; How common are they?; What leads to problematic personality types?