Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Chapter 1 Introduction; 1.1 Introduction to the first edition; 1.1.1 Aims and scope of the book; 1.1.2 General principles; 1.1.3 Methods; 1.1.4 Using the book; 1.1.5 Why a stroke book now?; 1.2 Introduction to the second edition; 1.3 Introduction to the third edition; 1.4 Introduction to the fourth edition; Chapter 2 Development of knowledge about cerebrovascular disease; 2.1 Ideas change slowly; 2.2 The anatomy of the brain and its blood supply; 2.3 What happens in "apoplexy"?
  • 2.4 Cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke)2.5 Thrombosis and embolism; 2.6 Transient ischemic attacks; 2.6.1 The vasospasm theory; 2.6.2 The hemodynamic theory; 2.6.3 The thromboembolic theory; 2.7 Intracerebral hemorrhage; 2.8 Subarachnoid hemorrhage; 2.8.1 Diagnosis; 2.8.2 Surgical treatment; 2.9 Treatment and its pitfalls; 2.9.1 The numerical method; 2.9.2 Clinical trials; 2.9.3 Measuring outcome: the ghost of G all; 2.9.4 Meta-analysis and systematic reviews; 2.10 Epilogue; References
  • Chapter 3 Is it a vascular event and where is the lesion?: Identifying and interpreting the symptoms and signs of cerebrovascular disease3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Definitions of transient ischemic attack, stroke, and acute stroke syndrome ("brain attack" or "unstable brain ischemia"); 3.2.1 The definition of transient ischemic attack; 3.2.2 The definition of stroke; 3.2.3 The overlap between transient ischemic attack and stroke, and the concept of an acute stroke syndrome ("brain attack" or "unstable brain ischemia"); 3.3 The diagnosis of a cerebrovascular event
  • 3.3.1 The nature of the symptoms and signs3.3.2 Disturbance of conscious level; 3.3.3 Disturbance of higher cerebral function; 3.3.4 Disturbance of the motor system; 3.3.5 Disturbance of the somatic sensory system; 3.3.6 Disturbance of the visual system; 3.3.7 Disturbance of hearing, balance, and coordination; 3.3.8 The speed of onset of the symptoms and temporal course; 3.3.9 Possible precipitants; 3.3.10 Accompanying symptoms; 3.3.11 Past medical history; 3.3.12 Lifestyle, behavior, and family history; 3.4 Differential diagnosis of focal cerebral symptoms of sudden onset; 3.4.1 Migraine
  • 3.4.2 Epilepsy3.4.3 Transient global amnesia; 3.4.4 Structural intracranial lesions; 3.4.5 Metabolic and toxic disorders; 3.4.6 Central nervous system infections; 3.4.7 Labyrinthine disorders; 3.4.8 Psychological disorders; 3.4.9 Head injury; 3.4.10 Multiple sclerosis; 3.4.11 Neuromuscular disorders; 3.4.12 Important nonfocal disorders; 3.4.13 Neuroimaging in the diagnosis of focal neurological symptoms of sudden onset; 3.4.14 Electroencephalography in the diagnosis of focal neurological symptoms of sudden onset; 3.5 Differential diagnosis of transient monocular blindness