
The Sabbath in the Classical Kabbalah.

Combining traditional textual analysis with more innovative anthropological approaches, Ginsburg makes an important contribution to the understanding of Jewish spirituality, myth, and ritual.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Ginsburg, Elliot K.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London : Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, The, 2008.
Edición:2nd ed.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; Illustrations; Abbreviations; Note on Transliteration and Orthography; Introduction: Classical Kabbalah, Its History and Symbolic Universe; Section One: An Historical Outline of Classical Kabbalah; Origins; Gerona Kabbalah; Other Trends in Thirteenth Century Kabbalah; The Zohar; Kabbalah from the Fourteenth Century until the Safed Renaissance; Section Two: The Sefirot and Their Symbolism; Structural Overview; The Dynamics of Sefirotic Unfolding: the Sefirot as Stages of Emanation.
  • The Sefirot as Stages of Mystical AscentFurther Thoughts on Sefirotic Symbolism; Section Three: Reading a Zoharic Text; Notes to the Introduction; Chapter One: The Symbolism of the Kabbalistic Sabbath: Motif Studies; Section One: An Historical Overview; The Sabbath in Antiquity; The Rabbinic Sabbath; The Sabbath of the Medieval Philosophers; The Distinctive Features of the Kabbalistic Sabbath; The Sefirotic Sabbath; Section Two: Motif Studies; Shabbat as the Source of Cosmic Blessing; Thematic Overview; The Sabbath as Sacred Center; Sabbath Transformations; Sabbath as Perfected Time.
  • Divine Transformations: Sabbath as Hieros GamosRabbinic Pre-Cursors; Heikhalot Mysticism: The Evidence of Seder Rabba' di-Vre'shit; Medieval Understandings of the Marital Imagery Prior to the Kabbalah; The Impact of Sefer ha-Bahir; Marital Imagery in the Nahmanidean Tradition; Hieros Gamos in the Zahar; The Marital Motif after the Zahar; Transformation of the Person: The Sabbath-Soul; Pre-Zoharic Developments; The Sabbath-Soul in the Writings of Moshe de Leon and in the Tiqqunei ha-Zohar /Racaya' Meheimna'; Imagery Used; Reception of Neshamah Yeterah as the Existential Beginning of Shabbat.
  • The Impact of the Sabbath-Soul During ShabbatA Cosmos That Is Entirely Shabbat: Some Concluding Thoughts; Notes to Chapter One; Chapter Two: Aspects of Meaning in Kabbalistic Ritual: With Special Reference to the Case of Shabbat; A Programmatic Introduction to Chapters Two Through Four; A Typology of Kabbalistic Ritual; Rabbinic and Kabbalistic Ritual: Some Contrasts; Symbolism and Magic: The Ontological Structure of Kabbalistic Ritual; The Multiple Consequences of Kabbalistic Ritual; Ritual As Sacred Drama; Ritual As Agent of Human Transformation; Ritual As Theurgic Act; A Concluding Example.
  • Notes to Chapter TwoChapter Three: Rituals of Preparation; Projecting the Sabbath into the Spatial Realm: The Case of One's Home and Courtyard; The Significance of Transforming One's Abode; The Establishment of Courtyard-Fusions: 'Eruvei Hazerot; Internalizing Shabbat: The Body As Microcosm; Nail-Paring; Bathing and Ablution; The Rite of Dressing: The Tola'at Ya'aqov's Account; The Significance of ""Dress"" in the Zahar and Tiqqunei ha-Zahar /Ra'aya' Meheimna'; Sabbath-Dress in the Tiqqunei ha-Zahar/Ra'aya' Meheimna'; Conclusion; Notes to Chapter Three.