
Hands-On Reinforcement Learning with Python : Master Reinforcement and Deep Reinforcement Learning Using OpenAI Gym and TensorFlow.

Reinforcement learning is a self-evolving type of machine learning that takes us closer to achieving true artificial intelligence. This easy-to-follow guide explains everything from scratch using rich examples written in Python.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Ravichandiran, Sudharsan
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2018.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Dedication; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning; What is RL?; RL algorithm; How RL differs from other ML paradigms; Elements of RL; Agent; Policy function; Value function; Model; Agent environment interface; Types of RL environment; Deterministic environment; Stochastic environment; Fully observable environment; Partially observable environment; Discrete environment; Continuous environment; Episodic and non-episodic environment; Single and multi-agent environment; RL platforms.
  • OpenAI Gym and UniverseDeepMind Lab; RL-Glue; Project Malmo; ViZDoom; Applications of RL; Education; Medicine and healthcare; Manufacturing; Inventory management; Finance; Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision; Summary; Questions; Further reading; Chapter 2: Getting Started with OpenAI and TensorFlow; Setting up your machine; Installing Anaconda; Installing Docker; Installing OpenAI Gym and Universe; Common error fixes; OpenAI Gym; Basic simulations; Training a robot to walk; OpenAI Universe; Building a video game bot; TensorFlow; Variables, constants, and placeholders; Variables.
  • ConstantsPlaceholders; Computation graph; Sessions; TensorBoard; Adding scope; Summary; Questions; Further reading; Chapter 3: The Markov Decision Process and Dynamic Programming; The Markov chain and Markov process; Markov Decision Process; Rewards and returns; Episodic and continuous tasks; Discount factor; The policy function; State value function; State-action value function (Q function); The Bellman equation and optimality; Deriving the Bellman equation for value and Q functions; Solving the Bellman equation; Dynamic programming; Value iteration; Policy iteration.
  • Solving the frozen lake problemValue iteration; Policy iteration; Summary; Questions; Further reading; Chapter 4: Gaming with Monte Carlo Methods; Monte Carlo methods; Estimating the value of pi using Monte Carlo; Monte Carlo prediction; First visit Monte Carlo; Every visit Monte Carlo; Let's play Blackjack with Monte Carlo; Monte Carlo control; Monte Carlo exploration starts; On-policy Monte Carlo control; Off-policy Monte Carlo control; Summary; Questions; Further reading; Chapter 5: Temporal Difference Learning; TD learning; TD prediction; TD control; Q learning.
  • Solving the taxi problem using Q learningSARSA; Solving the taxi problem using SARSA; The difference between Q learning and SARSA; Summary; Questions; Further reading; Chapter 6: Multi-Armed Bandit Problem; The MAB problem; The epsilon-greedy policy; The softmax exploration algorithm; The upper confidence bound algorithm; The Thompson sampling algorithm; Applications of MAB; Identifying the right advertisement banner using MAB; Contextual bandits; Summary; Questions; Further reading; Chapter 7: Deep Learning Fundamentals; Artificial neurons; ANNs; Input layer; Hidden layer; Output layer.